Last night, Elaine finally gave in and watched an old Fred Astaire and Lesley Caron movie: Daddy Longlegs. A nice, light, bubbly, Cinemascope flick. Why watch the current batch of crap... How many times can the world be destroyed? Sorry, I'm old-fashioned. I like to watch movies that make me laugh or cry.. or both. Catharsis, mon ami, catharsis!
I am getting tired of Mr. Trump's ego. Every day I turn on the morning news to learn what self-admiring idiocy he has spouted. Oy!
I keep imagining what the first debate will be like. Should be a lot of fun to watch.
Old Joke comes to Life
Look it up. A solid gold toilet bowl has been created for an Art Museum in New York City. You may use it, if you want to pay for the privilege. Toilet-cleaning ladies do their jobs (no pun intended) every few minutes, all day long. I'll bet Mr. Trump has one in his penthouse apartment.
Pssst! Eve! Over here!
The New York Post reports that a lady in Augusta, Georgia has lost her 14 snakes. The had the Ball Pythons in a secure cage. She suspects someone let them free. She says that they are very docile, and will roll themselves into a ball if bothered.... that's good to know.
An Unattached Brain
The Science Digest magazine reported back in March 1965, that scientists at Western Reserve University in Cleveland were able to remove the brain of a monkey from its body, and keep it alive for many hours. Attachments showed that it was still alive and may have been conscious!
(Recently, it has been reported that Chinese scientists are attempting to do brain transplants.)
The Digest writer, Dean E. Wooldridge, asked/implied some interesting things:
"Could the truly 'detached mind' of the Cleveland monkey really be conscious? If so, conscious of what?"
"What about sensations like: pleasure, hunger, thirst, anger, etc. Could the detached brain be experiencing these sensations?" Electrical prods seemed to indicate that.
Wooldridge mentions Dr. Wilder Penfield and his experimental surgeries. Check him out in some current best selling books.
Of course, anything written about the brain in 1965 would be hopelessly outdated today. I am about to listen to a Great Courses set of lessons about the Brain. I am really looking forward to doing so.
Before the end of the 21st century, brain transplants will be viable medical procedures. Why not? Don't you want to live forever, Dr. Faustus?
I need to end this with a poem written by fellow Illian, Webster Cobbins, as published in Integra for July/August 2016"
Why Does a Skeleton Grin?
It can't enjoy having no skin,
or returning back into the dust.
One might think it grins to hide secret sins
Embarrassing sins, such as lust.
Why does a skeleton grin?
The real truth is -- that it must.
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