Friday, September 30, 2016

Fred and Ginger; Mr. Trump; Genius Sheep; Voting and Such; Bagpipes; Ed Konizeski; Piet Hein

Overcast and an unbelievable 60 degree temperature.  Nice New Hampshire weather, but strange for Maryland, at least where we live.

Feminine Lovers Quote:

Texas Governor, Ann Richards:  "Ginger Rogers did everything that Fred Astaire did.. she just did it backwards and in high heels."

True... but also Hermes Pan did the same.  Fred and Hermes were both exactly 5'8" tall and weighed the same.  Fred perfected his art with the help of Hermes... and of course, later, with Ginger. 

I think I mentioned that I talked Elaine into watching Fred and Leslie Caron in Daddy Longlegs.  She liked it.  They don't make pleasant movies like that anymore.  No wonder we have random shootings and assaults on women, based on what our kids and grandkids see at the cinema and of course, online.

I just heard that Mr. Trump has gone off the deep end again over women he doesn't like.  I wonder how he would act in a meeting with Angela Merkel (Germany) if he were President.  "Schweinhund" could possibly be something he might call her.

Another Instance of Animal Intelligence?

Dr. Peter A. LeWitt wrote the New Yorker about sheep... (if what he wrote was true)  "A similar ability (facial recognition) is routine in sheep, which can distinguish among faces within their flock and among humans.  Studies...have shown that sheep can remember dozens of faces for months at a time, and their perception extends to expressions of emotion."

Now, as Paula Poundstone would say: "How in the hell did they come to that conclusion?"

Voting and Such

Early voting has already begun in at least two of the important swing states in this year's election.  Iowa and North Carolina.

Keep in mind, if you have kainotophobia, you must vote for Hillary, because I'm told that this word means "fear of change."   With Clinton, you can be sure that not too much will change.  But, with Mr. Trump, you can count on massive changes.. if he becomes President and has his way. For instance:

The New Yorker quotes Dan DiMicco, a member of Trump's Economic Advisory Council, on dealing with China like an aggressive patient at a dentist's office:  "Here's how the patient deals with the dentist: sits down in the chair, grabs the dentist by the nuts, and says, 'You don't hurt me, I won't hurt you.'"

Musical Joke from Readers Digest

Marilyn Adkins writes:  "A month after Donald MacDonald started at Harvard, his mother called from Scotland. 'And how are the American students, Donald?' she asked. 

'They're so noisy," he complained.  "One neighbor endlessly bangs his head against the wall, while another screams all night.'

'How do you put up with it?'

'I just ignore them and continue to play my bagpipes.'"

In Honor of Ed Konizeski

Ed worked for me as a computer programmer and analyst.  He was a true intellectual, fluent in Russian as well as English.  He found these poems for me to include in a collection of sayings about computer matters.  They are "Grooks,"  short poems by , Danish scientist, author, inventor, designer and poet Piet Hein..

The Only Solution

We shall have to evolve
problem solvers galore -
since each problem they solve
creates ten problems more.

Wide Road

To make a name for learning
when other roads are barred,
take something very easy
and make it very hard.

Small things and Great

He that lets
the small things bind him
leaves the great
undone behind him.


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