Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Mr. Comey; FBI; Teeth; Emotions; Pleasure; Herr Nietzche; Superman; Goethe; Faust

Overcast and 55 degrees.  The trees around here are turning colors... not like New England, but nice all the same.  I can look off our deck and see green, red, and  yellow trees. Very pleasant.


Mr. Comey will not be the head of the FBI for long.

Painful? No way.

I had two teeth filled at the dentist's office today.  I get two more done next week.  She gave me novacaine.. quite a bit.  She said it would wear off in two hours.. in fact, it took four to five hours. She asked if she was hurting me.  I told her how I have eyeball injections every few weeks.  Now, that hurts.. but only for a little while.   Also, for months at a time, within a six year period, I experienced 9 to 10 level pain constantly from my inherited leg vein problems.  So, a half hour of drilling on some old teeth is not going to bother me... Besides, I'm so happy to have a few of my own teeth left that I would endure any pain to keep them.

She did want to pull my last giant molar.  I talked her out of it.  It isn't bothering me and I need it to chew fillet mignon (when I can afford it.)

The Pleasure Emotion

I'm listening to one of the Great Courses as I drive.  It is all about emotions. The Professor says that any emotion that we have expresses itself based on our intelligence.  No reptilian uncontrollable feelings... so he says.  What about fear?  He thinks that this is not an unconscious feeling, but relates to something going on in our brains.  I'm not sure that I agree with him yet.

Today, I heard him talk about pleasure.  He doesn't think it is an emotion.  He thinks that it is just a feeling we get when we do something well.  For me, when I complete a cryptic-type crossword puzzle, I get a great feeling that I call  pleasure.  It took me years to learn to do these type puzzles and I feel good about completing them.  Can't that be considered the emotion of pleasure?  I also get great "pleasure" out of viewing how well my three children have done in life.

The Professor also says that too much pleasure can lead to displeasure. I suppose so.

I'm not a great fan of this professor.  He obviously is a very learned individual.  He has all kinds of awards and titles.  He likes to name drop:  Kant; Mills; Bentham; Nietzsche; Plato; Aristotle; and countless other Philosophers.  I guess my tired old brain doesn't want to revisit these guys any more, especially not Herr Nietzsche..  When I was studying German, I had the misfortune to be in some graduate level classes with a guy who thought that by quoting Nietzsche all the time with his German professors, he would get great grades.  Maybe so.. but he was a terrible bore.  Once I quoted Goethe to him:  "Grau, teurer Freund, is alle Theorie, und gruen des Lebens goldner Baum."   This is from Faust and translates to :  "All theory, my friend, is grey, but the golden tree of actual life springs ever green."

Or, as I have tried to apply to my own self:  "Don't sit down to write, until you have stood up to live."

By the way:  Herr Nietzsche wrote:  "Ich lehre euch den Uebermenschen.  Der Mensch is Etwas, das ueberwonden warden soll."  Or, in English: "I teach you the superman. Man is something to be surpassed."   I guess so, but, please, let's get replaced with creatures different than Mr. Trump.

Enough of this philosophy crap!


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