Blizzard. I decided to wait to call AAA and get my car going again because I wanted to attend the first session of the Great Decisions program for 2016. I'll call tomorrow morning. Meanwhile, I took the campus shuttle to the program and walked home thru a little snow via the Bistro. I was using my cane, so walking wasn't too bad... it's my hips that get tired and decide not to work efficiently. Old age strikes again!
OK... here are some more "ramblings."
The Great Decisions program was number one of four about Middle East situations. Very confusing at the beginning... very confusing after the speaker and a video... but even the speaker says that he is confused. However... two things most of the group agreed with the speaker about:
1. The IRAN agreement should keep that country from developing an atomic bomb, at least for 16 years. Without the agreement, the bomb would probably appear in just 2 years.
2. George W's escapades created the current crisis and got lots of American lives lost. Obama's policy of trying to let Middle Eastern countries settle their own problems has resulted in hardly any Americans losing their lives.
Snow-related Tragedy
A 5 year old girl was sledding down her house's driveway and slid right into the street... where she was hit by a car and killed.
Guns in Flight
During 2015, a total of 2,653 workable guns were found in carry-on luggage. (Current example: yesterday at the Baltimore Washington airport, a pistol was found on the person of a man boarding a plane. Although the pistol was empty, he had 6 bullets in his pocket. He was arrested.)
Dumb Robber #1
A 30-year old "bright bulb" tried to hold up a Royal Farms store with a bb gun... he neglected to notice that one of the customers was a uniformed policeman.. who immediately arrested him.
Dumb Robber #2
A Delaware thief, running away from the scene of his crime, was observed by a State Trooper, who followed his footsteps in the snow, right up to his front door.
I missed my daily dose of Orange the Next Black... damn! Guess I better double up tomorrow.
It was said of President Warren Harding that his speeches were "an army of pompous phrases moving across the landscape in search of an idea." You remember Harding... he's the guy who actually had a pit dug into a house yard in DC, and people would come and throw money into it... yes, a "money pit."
The Unibomber
Ted Kazinsky's (sp?) brother has written a book in which he describes what it was like to turn in his beloved older brother to the FBI. If he had not... the Unibomber would probably have been able to mail the potent bomb which was found under his bed and kill a bunch of people. The brother was interviewed on the Diane Rheem Show this morning. Extremely interesting. Ted is in psychiatric custody somewhere and has disowned his brother... and apparently is able to carry on an extensive correspondence with others who share his schizophrenic viewpoints.
Don't Mess with Senior Citizens!
The Week (2011) When Somali pirates tried to board a luxury cruise ship... they were rebuffed by a group of retired British and German tourists, hitting them with deck chairs.
Where do the Rich Folks Shop?
The Week: John Travolta is worth $200 million.. yet he does all of his shopping at WalMart and Target. He says that "I like to save a buck when I can." (Watch out for pitchforks, John!)
Some Food Label Scams
1, Organic: save your money... probably doesn't mean anything.
2. Reduced-fat: probably just means that more sugar was added to replace some of the lost flavor.
3. Cholesterol-free: all foods that come from plants are free of cholesterol.. so this label is meaningless.
4. Natural: the term is not defined by the FDA, so it could mean anything. Ignore it.
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