Sunday, January 10, 2016

TWITTER; HBOMB; Oregon; Trump; Cologne; MUFON; Bible sale; American Generations

Sunday... the sun is poking through the clouds.. it may become a pleasant day.

Today, I will be talking about some activity that occurred in the last few days... interesting to me.. maybe to you too.


Increase in the comment area will serve a great purpose to those of us who have that disease that causes us to talk, talk, talk,  for a long time, even when we don't have much to say.  I gave up on TWITTER when I chose to follow a politician who then began to tweet hundreds of times each day.

North Korea

Did they or didn't they explode an H-bomb?  I talked about this in an earlier blog entry.   I like to watch the Korean army march.. they look just like the evil Witch's army in the Wizard of OZ.

Oregon Assholes

One of the columnists predicts that when they run out of toilet paper, they will decide to go home.  I do appreciate that these folks told the machine-armed white militia members who just showed up (to protect the borders)  to go home.    Wise move.  But, we haven't heard the last of this situation.  I just hope that the Government leaves them alone and avoids any shooting.

Trump and the Muslim Lady

I also talked about this in an earlier blog entry.  Stand by...  more Trump stuff will probably happen soon again.

Cologne's Female Harassment

Unbelievable to me that North African or Syrian refugee men molested German women on the streets of Cologne, Germany.    I love that city.  I spent most of my spare time there when I was stationed in Germany.  I would take a carton of American cigarettes to that city, where it was snapped up by the Black Market... the German money I made, provided for a pleasant, all expenses covered weekend.

As far as the refugees being sex-starved.... check this out:

When I first arrived in Cologne and got to know a few people, I asked why there were long lines of men outside of a building in the center of town.   The line moved fast and the people in the line seemed to be a happy lot.

Well. I learned that . the building was a government-sponsored Pfanthaus or Poof (I probably have the name all wrong... it's been over 50 years after all.)  That could be translated to Whorehouse.  For  just 2 Marks (equivalent at the time to 50 cents, American), German men could get their needs taken care of,  and could be assured that they would not get a sexually transmitted disease. 

Perhaps, nobody has explained this set up to the refugees. 

UFO and Alien Encounters

I belong to a group named MUFON, which investigates all UFO sightings (old and new) and publishes their findings.  Most sightings are easily explainable, but quite a few are not.  Well, Hillary Clinton has now said that when she is President, she will look into the situation and make sure that there  is not  any alien encounter information that has been covered up.

I had a UFO situation in Germany, but I never did see what might have been alien spaceships.

Naughty Bible Sale

There is a version of the King James Bible that has a famous misquote in it.  The only copy sold this week for thousands of dollars.  The misquote:  "Thou shallt commit adultery."

Six Generations

A friend, Hermine Saunders, writes today in a Carroll County Times column about six generations of Americans still alive and kicking in the good old USA:

The GI Generation (The Greatest Generation) ....  1901-1924
The Silent Generation ....  1925-1942
Baby Boomers .... 1943-1964
Generation X ...  1965-1980
Millenniens  .(Generation Y) ....  1981-2000
Generation Z .... 2000-2015

....enough for now....

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