Thursday, January 14, 2016

Whites Only?, The Richest Candidates; Hurricane's Birth; Emergency Kits; Episcopalians; Smart Axeman; Beer Report

Amazing day!  AARP Board Meeting.  NARFE general membership meeting.  I had arranged to have Dick Ellsworth come and talk about his books... and his many years as a policeman in Baltimore City.  The crowd loved it.  When I left, there was a line of people waiting to buy his books. Dick looked happy.


A guy on the radio this morning said he was a buddy of Kanye West, as a kid in downtown Los Angeles.  One very hot summer day, he and Kanye were watching the "whites only" swimming pool and decided that they couldn't take it any more.   They whipped off their clothes and jumped into the pool.  Immediately, the whites began to clamber out of the pool.. and then the life savers began to drain the pool.  

GranMa Sez:  What.. did they think that the color was going to melt off of their bodies?

Who is the richest candidate?

Forbes Magazine did a survey and found out that all but four of the folks running to 2016 office are multi-millionaires.  The top of the list showed these Net Worth  statistics:

Donald Trump   $4,5 Billion
Carly Fiorina  $58 Million
Hillary Clinton  $45 Million

..and on the bottom:

Martin O'Malley  (ZERO!)

Are you Ready?

Hurricane Alex has been born off the coast of Africa.  May not get to us before getting destroyed by cold Atlantic ocean water.  I think this is one of the earliest hurricane births. 

Emergency Kits

One should probably keep an emergency kit in one's vehicle... in case of Hurricanes, Floods;  Blizzards, and Tornados.  Maryland Episcopals have put out a list of suggested items to keep in your emergency kit.

a shovel
windshield scraper and small broom
battery-powered radio
extra batteries
snack food
extra hats, socks and mittens
first aid kit with pocket knife
necessary medications
tow chain or rope
road salt and sand
booster cables
emergency flares
fluorescent distress flag


These folks are having trouble with their African branches, who do not think it is right to ordain homosexual priests.  In some African countries, homosexuals can be arrested and hung.  Looks to me as though there will be a break-down in this church because of this issue.

In the meantime, I like the story that Episcopal Bishop Sutton relates:

"The story is told of two woodcutters who were given a full day's job chopping.  One of them chopped all day, not stopping for a moment's rest.  After his eight hours of nonstop chopping, he had a large pile of logs.

The other chopper worked for 15 minutes, then took a 10-minute break.  he worked calmly and steadily, but worked less actual time than his coworker.  At the end of the day, the one who had taken periodic breaks had a much larger pile that the one who did not.

The man who worked nonstop was amazed and asked his coworker, "How can this be possible?"  He replied, "It's simple... when I stopped to rest, I also sharpened my axe!"

Abraham Lincoln told a version of this story.. about guys sawing wood.

Beer Report

I just tried The Truth IPA.. another great craft beer from Flying Dog Brewery in Frederick, MD.
8.7% alcohol.  Nice taste.  I like it, and you will probably like it too.

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