Saturday, January 2, 2016

Sunny day; Posters; Guns; Community Service; Super Food; Bugs; Palindromes

This is another log entry from 5 years ago. Side effects from a medication have taken over my brain for a little time. So, this is a little like those shows that do reruns from time to time.

Sunny Saturday

1.  I tried to siphon some water out of porch containers with a hose.  Didn't work.  So, instead I used a pan to bail 50 pan-fuls.  Tomorrow, I'll try to do 50 more.  That'll show those mosquitoes who is boss!
2.  I scrubbed some of the white fencing around the porch... too tough to do for an old dude.. so, instead, I sat down in the sun and did a couple of 1915 crossword puzzles.
3. I cleaned up two cat throw-ups.  SuZee is very liberal with these.  You remember SuZee.. the famous disappearing cat... nobody but Elaine and I have ever seen her... she has an uncanny ear for encroaching humans..  whenever I see her race downstairs, I know that in a couple of minutes, human contact will be attempted with us.   This should be good for us when lenders try to corner us.

ART Appreciation 101

The New York Times  year-end sale of posters and prints is very interesting to me: 

Marc Chagall's Magic Flute Poster..$225.
Renoir's Dancing Peasants Print.. $150.
Some Like it Hot movie poster.. $2,800.

You can see what Americans value these days.  Although, I loved the movie named.. especially the actors like Marilyn Monroe!

The OK Corral 

Great day for gun owners in Texas.  Today, they can begin to carry their pistols in holster belts.. just like Gunsmoke...  Somebody sent me an NRA propaganda piece that tries to convince people that gun control doesn't work in those places where it is in effect.  A slick piece, but full of holes, if one asks the right questions.  One argument is that if even one of the victims of the crazy couple in California had a handgun, they could have shot the perps and solved the problem.

Suppose they missed the perps and hit a hostage?

What does a Caregiver do?

Some folks have asked me that question.   AARP put out a list of Caregiver duties.. here are just a few of them:

1.  Take in their mail.
2.  Do their shopping.
3.  Go to the Post Office for them.
4.  Water their flowers.
5.  Do their dishes.
6.  Wash their clothes.
7.  Arrange for housecleaning.
8.  Take out their trash.
9.  Tell them jokes.
10.  Get them newspapers.
11.  Take them out to eat.
12.  Cook for them.
13.  Mow their grass.

Now... there are lots of senior citizens who need to have these chores done for them... also, there are lots of  High School seniors who need to  do community service in order to graduate.  Why can't  we effectuate a match-up?

When I lived in Gamber, Maryland, one of our neighbors was a big-shot educator.. and he had an 18 year old son who was about to graduate from High School.   His community service was sweeping his family's sidewalk, mowing their grass and raking their leaves . What the hell kind of community service is that?

Super Food

The Bottom Line company mentions a new super food:  Spirulina..  this remarkable food does the following: 

1.  Raises hemoglobin (iron carrying component of red blood cells.)
2.  Prevents the release of histamines that worsen allergic symptoms.
3.  Reduces risk for cataracts.
4.  Reduces blood sugar level and risk of diabetes.

They do suggest that you talk to your doctor first before trying.

Bye Bye Bugs

Bottom Line also mentions that there is a new spray that is harmful to bugs, but not to people or pets.  It is called Green Bug All Natural and costs $32.95 a quart.

Palindrome Winner

Mark Saltveit runs an award ceremony called The SYMMYS Competition.

Jon Agee won the contest lately for his palindrome:  Go hang a salami! I'm a lasagna hog!


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