Jewish Genealogy?
Since one of the choices lists as possible relatives for me was Jewish, I think that might be nice... but first, I want to think about Yiddish.. some examples below from Lita Epstein's book: If You Can't Say Anything Nice, Say It In Yiddish (The Book of Yiddish Insults and Curses.):
I wish you a sweet death: a truck full of sugar should run over you.
A zisn toyt zolstu hobn a trok mit tusker soldid iberforn.
If anyone writes you, they should write you doctors' prescriptions.
Shraybn zol men dir re tsept n.
Onions should grow on your navel.
Zol dir vaksn tzibbeles fun pupik.
May a cannon ball split your skull.
A harmat zol dayn klop tseshmetern.
May all your teeth fall out, except one to give you a toothache.
Ale tseyn zoln dir aroysfaln, nor eyner zol dir blaybn - oyf tsonveytik.
Wow... a little violent, don't you think?
Elaine's son in law, Mat, is related to people who ran the Yiddish theater in New York City. I'm not sure, but I think it's being revised.. There may also be a couple of Yiddish newspapers left in the world.. and, of course, Yiddish lives in Israel (or so I've been told.) Yiddish uses German as a basis and therefore should not be hard to learn for those who are fluent in that language.. And one must learn Hebrew letters.. If I were younger, I would pursue such learning. (When I first was stationed on a mountain top in Germany during the 1950's.. since I had 8 hours each day waiting for radio messages and I had time to try to learn German, French, Greek, Latin, and Hebrew. Of course, this was too much to do.. so, after a while I slowed down on everything but German and French.)
Role Models?
I am upset about a picture shown by the Carroll County Times of teachers staging some kind of "walk-out" because of disagreement. I agree with the teachers on their dispute... however, in the picture, all of the teachers are dressed like bums. I hope I am wrong about this, and that it was "dress down Friday" or something like that . But.. if these teachers stand before their classes dressed as shown in the picture... I think they make a big mistake. How about pressed clothes.. no holes in dungarees.. no dungarees.. no piercings.... More professionalism is needed. My daughter, Elizabeth, always looks professional while she works at school. .. I guess I am just old-fashioned in this regard.
For years, I slept less that 5 hours a night. I wanted to watch the Tonight Show and the After Tonight Show and then, I needed to get up early to lift weights. And I couldn't wait to get to work in the morning. Now... AARP says that those people who sleep seven hours at night, have a better score on cognitive tests than those who don't. Well.. now that I'm an old dude, I sleep more than seven hours at night.. but I am not going to take any more tests at my age.
Granma SEZ
My partner, Elaine, often throws off little gems of wisdom. She told me that I can quote her if I wish.. which I will do.
My radio is on.. CSPAN.. The Donald is being interviewed.. he says that Hillary caused lots of death. during her Government service. Each Republican on one of the CSPAN reruns today said that Trump will probably be one of three candidates: Clinton (Dem); Unknown (Rep); Trump (3rd Party).. This, of course means that Hillary is a "shoe-in" for the Presidency.
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