Blizzard. Our newspapers for the past 5 days finally showed up, but our mail is still missing. It looked like our car had been shoveled out, so I happily tried to get into our car to go for groceries... but.. it looks like our battery is dead... I can't imagine why... lights in my Rav4 shut themselves off.. ??? So, I will call AAA tomorrow... meanwhile, I walked the 2 or 3 blocks to the Bistro to get our food. One way... my hips were giving out..... on the way back, after sitting quietly for a while .. my hips were giving out again. It was a good workout for me... I just have to remember that I am not 18 years old anymore.. and go easy with my exercise stuff.
BBC News: Today some Iranian bigshot visited Italian Government offices... to avoid shocking the Iranian's Moslem sensibilities, the naked statuary was boarded up!
Planned Parenthood Wins One
The Texas Grand Jury that looked into the allegation that Planned Parenthood was selling human tissue, found that this was a false allegation and the persons who set up a "sting" type were indicted instead.. the tables were turned.
Mendez has been suspended. Bennett has pointed out the contraband in the Neptune case. Red may be in big trouble. The Jesus freak is getting ready to kill our heroine. Wow! So many stories here!
Another No-No Word for Snow Storms like Jonah
New Bedford
Today, I finished volume one of the picture history of New Bedford, Massachusetts. Great information... it filled in lots of gaps in my knowledge of my favorite places that I knew when I was a street kid there. Now, I'll be reading volume two.. which ranges from 1925 to 1980. 1950 was my time... it seems like only yesterday. A gentler time.. at least for me.
Presidential Executive Order
President Obama has issued an executive order that mandates no solitary confinement for juvenile offenders in Federal prisons. Most people who think about it, consider solitary confinement as torture.
President Obama's Legacy
Re: Southern Poverty Law Center Magazine: I quote (kind of) from "The Last Word":
The economy is purring like a kitten after years of growling like a sour tummy.
Jobs are coming back,
Wages are beginning to rise.
The stock market is way, way up.
The war in Afghanistan is finally over.
More than ten million previously uninsured Americans now have health insurance.
The price of gas keeps dropping.
Hate Groups in the United States
Per: Southern Poverty Law Center: There were 784 active hate groups in the U.S. in 2014.
They break down as shown:
Ku Klux Klan 72
Neo-Nazi 142
White Nationalist 115
Racist Skinhead 119
Christian Identity 21
Neo Confederate 37
Black Separatist 113
General Hate 165
Number of hate groups by state (some):
California 57
Florida 50
New York 44
Pennsylvania 38
Texas 36
Maryland 15
Massachusetts 13
Wyoming 1
Alaska 0
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