Blizzard. Our water heater died yesterday and today a crew worked for 6 hours installing a new one. The new one seems to be working ok... I just took a nice warm refreshing shower.
Since our household activity was being disrupted by workmen, I was able to watch three episodes of Orange is the New Black. Yes.. I am hooked.. and my juices get stirred as they go through each inmate's story.
Daughter Diane and her husband just came home from a week in Florida. She called to offer a ticket to Phantom of the Opera at the Hippedrome. Unfortunately, I had to turn her down because of all the things that Elaine and I have to do right now... The ticket is part of a pair of season tickets that my son and his wife enjoy.
I can still remember the early Phantom movie... it scared, yet intrigued me as a young kid. I think I was most fascinated by the sewer scenes... image all that activity right under the streets of Paris.
Now there was a Strong Man!
Leonid Zhabotinsky died at the age of 77 this month. He won gold medals in weightlifting in both 1964 and 1968. Big Arnie and I both admired him and felt he was the strongest man in the world.
Leonid was 6'3" and weighed 365 pounds. Big Arnie kept a photograph of Leonid taped to his bed when he was a teenager.
The New York Times reports that Leonid had other talents as well... he earned a doctorate at the Kharkoy Pedagogical Institute; he coached the Soviet Army in weight lifting and left the military in 1991 as a Colonel. He also worked for the Moscow Institute of Business and Law.
A Fishy Story
The Week Magazine: One of the three teenagers who burgled an apartment in Chicago told police that the reason he had poured mustard and hot sauce into a goldfish bowl, was because the three goldfish would have been able to identify him, so he had to kill them.
Inventive Crook
The Week Magazine: A California man was arrested for stealing 45 fire hydrants, leaving big holes in the sidewalk. The creative thief dressed as a city worker and nobody tried to stop him. He sold the hydrants for $1800 to a scrap metal dealer.
A Great Fan
The Week Magazine: In Sandy, Utah, Brad Keene, Jordan High janitor sold his car, canceled his savings and spent $6000 on 20 safety helmets for the high school team. Wow!
Congressional Priorities
Harper's Index mentions that Congress has spent almost 5 million dollars to investigate the attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi.... and only 85 thousand dollars for preparation and response to Hurricane Katrina.
Another Professional Passes
Abe Vigoda passed away today. An amazing actor, in my opinion. RIP Abe.
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