Tuesday, January 19, 2016

NETFLIX; Orange: Pilgrim Thirst; Plymouth; Mayflower Society; Vaughan Century; Genealogy; Yiddish Curse; Abraham Lincoln

Typical Winter day:  Very cold, windy, and sunny.  Actually, it's too cold to sit out in the sun today.


I finally got NETFLIX running under the INFINITY  overhead..  I watched the first episode of  Orange is the New Black.  Several people have recommended it to me.  Quite true to life..  interesting, but I would not want my grandkids to watch it.

Pilgrim Thirst

For years, I have been telling people that the Pilgrims landed at Cape Cod because they ran out of beer... nobody really believes me.  But in The New Yorker for January 4, 2016 there is a review of the book Drinking in America by Susan Cheever... and it says the following:
"Beer was more potable than water in seventeenth-century Europe, and when the Mayflower's supplies were running low its captain made an impromptu landing at Cape Cod."

However, the Cape Cod water didn't make the best tasting beer, so the Pilgrims sailed across the Bay and found good water at Plymouth.  So they decided to stay there.


The Mayflower Society is located in Plymouth, and for years I have been subscribing to their monthly magazine.  Even though I am related to about 11 of the original Pilgrims, I haven't pursued joining the group....just lazy I guess.

Well, suddenly, this month, I received a nice letter from the group, with society address labels... and other goodies.... In other words, somebody must have made a mistake and sent me stuff that should have gone to somebody who has proven their lineage.

The Vaughan Century

While sorting and reorganizing my boxes of "stuff",  I came across my epic creation:  The Vaughan Century..... a genealogy treasure-trove of family information.  When I published it and sent it to all the relatives I could think of... it was very well received.  However, it needs to be updated now (10 years later).. lots of deaths....  some births....  some facts need to be re-researched. 

Family Mystery Solved?

For years I have been trying to find my cousin Billy Etheridge in genealogy information, but with no luck....now I think I know what the problem is..  in the 1940's there were two Ethridge families living in Boston..  one family had: mother: Laura age 38; father: William age 54; daughter: Pauline age 17.
The other family had: mother: Lurana age 38; father: William age 54;  daughter: Pauline age 8; son: William age 5 (Bingo!).  So... for years, I have been working with the wrong family info.. I'm not alone in this.  So... it's time to get this straightened out.

Another Yiddish Curse

Sazol dir azoy dreyen boyd me zol meynen az sayiz a katerinke.!

May your innards turn and grind so much, people will think you are an organ grinder.!

This is how POTUS does it

When President Lincoln first met with his Cabinet to present his proposed Emancipation Proclamation, he asked for a vote on the issue.

The Cabinet voted overwhelmingly against it.   After all the "no" votes had been counted, Lincoln raised his right hand and said: "The ayes have it!"


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