Thursday, November 11, 2021


In High School, I signed up for multiple Physical Exercise classes.  I also spent gym time instead of Study Periods, and also when it was safe for me to skip a boring business class.

One reason I liked my gym time was because of the Physical Director, Fred Kelly.

Fred was a short, muscular middle-aged man with a "barrel chest."  He reminded me of an orangutang, and he could sail through hanging gym equipment just like one. 

Once he had set up a difficult obstacle course using all of the gym's equipment, and I practiced running through it until I got good enough to be placed on the gym Hall of Fame.

Besides High School teaching, Fred also taught Life Saving classes at the YMCA.  Fred didn't mind being naked in the pool with his students. I, on the other hand, was embarrassed. (bare assed?  sorry, but I couldn't resist.)

Fred was a good teacher and I learned how to carry a drowning person onto the shore. 

(This did not help me when my son, Chris got caught by the undertow in Ocean City. I was not strong enough to fight the current and had to rely on an experienced lifeguard to rescue my son.)

Fred also taught me some CPR techniques, but warned me that I had to go softer, otherwise I could seriously harm the person I was supposed to be helping.   

(This time I did well and later was able to bring a drowning little boy back to life.  For some reason, a Cub Scout got credit for the save and nobody knew that I was involved.) 

Every Winter, Buttonwood Pond would freeze over and become an ice skater's paradise. I would always marvel at the "figure eights" and other tricky maneuvers that a certain man displayed so masterfully.

When I entered High School I learned that this expert skater was none other than FRED KELLY!

Although I didn't have a father in my life, I did have lots of male influence, and Fred was a great part of it.  He especially taught me to treat all people fairly.


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