Eighty-four years ago, a forward-thinking guy named Walt Disney released a colorful animated fairy-tale movie called "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs."
Walt had to borrow a million dollars in 1937 money to produce this movie, which quickly became one of the top ten grossing creations of all time. The money that Walt earned allowed him to build a modern studio in which to create many more delightful movies.
By the way, I think that the movie would have to have a different title if it were produced today. Perhaps "Whitey Meets the Little People."
Someone once asked me what my earliest recollection in life was. I suddenly remembered something that occurred when I was three years old.
My Aunt Marjorie took me to the New Bedford State Theater to see the recently released "Snow White" movie.
I was happily enjoying the movie until the evil Step-Mother/Witch said: "Mirror, mirror, on the wall..." and her sneering face filled the screen as she made up a poisoned apple.
I was scared to death and for the rest of the movie snuggled behind my Aunt's broad shoulders, peeking out at the less threatening scenes.
Disney had each of the seven "dwarfs" given an appearance that agreed with their personality. Once, when I was drawing a lot of cartoons, I made remarks as I drew each of the seven.
This is how I feel in the morning before coffee and newspaper.
Ah! Now I've had my coffee and all is right with the world!
This damn allergy!
This was hard to draw because I kept falling to sleep.
This was me before I discovered Toastmasters.
Doctor of optometry? Medicine? Happiness? If you are sad, he will cheer you up. Is he an intellectual?
He's really not "dopey." He just likes to play and have fun like a loveable little kid. And he could talk if he felt that he had something profound to tell.
I love that Disney movie, can't you tell?
Go, and find a beautiful young lady!
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