Monday, November 29, 2021


New Bedford was a wonderful place in which to grow up.  I spent, in total, 22 years there, both single and married. 

Someday I will fill my blog with information about the history of this fantastic city, but for now I want to show pictures from my New Bedford archives.


This was a gift from my Sister Donna.  It shows a rendition of the Whaleman Statue that relates to New Bedford's long-time status as the largest whale chasing port in the world, producing oil that was used to light lamps everywhere.  I believe that this industry made New Bedford the world's richest city for many years.

The carved legend on the statue reads something similar to: "A dead whale or a stove boat!"

The muscular model for the statue was about 6'5," a remarkable height for the early 1900's, and when he died there was no coffin big enough for his body.

That did not phase my Grandfather who was the undertaker assigned to take care of the body.  He immediately purchased a piano, and used the piano's large delivery case for the necessary coffin. 


This postcard picture shows the inauguration of the Whaleman Statue, and its placement in front of the City Hall, which later became "The Free Public Library.


My cousins Allen and Diana sent me this nice warm covering, which shows to all the world that I grew up in a city where most people were of Portuguese descent.

I read somewhere that there were more people in the New Bedford/Fall River/ Pawtucket Rhode Island area with Portuguese blood in their veins, than in Lisbon, the capitol city of Portugal. (I don't know if that's true.)


New Bedford has an elephant in the Buttonwood Park Zoo that likes to snack at Dunkin' Donuts and even sometimes likes to suck up "specials" through its trunk (or so I'm told).



Somebody sent me this nice covering.  If you look closely, you can see certain edifices beloved by the New Bedford community, plus the city seal with the motto: "Lucem Diffundo" ("I Spread the Light."

Go, and love the whales!

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