Friday, November 5, 2021


I forgot how to pepper my blog entries with pictures, but I'm working on it.  Meanwhile, here are a few "gems" from my files, followed by information about an interesting married couple that we once knew.


In Goethe's FAUST, Mephistopheles (Satan) says: 

"Grau sind alle Theorie und gruen alein das Lebens goldene Baum."


"... grey are all theories, and the only green wisdom comes from life's golden tree."

So.. live it up!

Oscar Wilde wrote:  "People who count their chickens before they are hatched act very wisely because chickens run around so absurdly that it is impossible to count them accurately."


Edward R. Murrow wrote:  "A nation of sheep will soon have a government of wolves."

Aaron Karo says: "Did you know that a large group of baboons is called 'a congress?'  That explains a lot now, doesn't it!"



Henny Youngman:  "Have you noticed that TV families never watch television?"

Daniel Marsh, President of Boston University in 1950:  "If the television craze continues with the present level of programs, we are destined to have a nation of morons." (We're there now, Dan.)


That 7-year-old boy was sitting on the curb again and crying.

The old man asked him what was wrong.

Boy:  "I just cleaned my room."

Old Man:  "I'm proud of you.  Why does that make you cry?"

Boy: "Because I still can't find my snake."

Husband races into the house and tells wife: "I've found a great job.  Incredible pay, free medical insurance, and five weeks paid vacation.

Wife says: " That's great."

Husband says: "Good.  You start tomorrow."

(This was a joke I delivered when I was an emcee at a County function.  It got a good reception.)

My wife and I celebrated our 42nd wedding anniversary by going out to a restaurant.  We went to a little place called McDonalds.  

I ordered for us; a Big Mac and a coke with two glasses. I put half of the coke in one glass and gave it to my wife. 

As I began to eat the Big Mac, I noticed a guy looking at us sadly.  He said: "I feel real sorry for you poor senior citizens ... let me buy you more food."

I said: "Sir, you don't understand ... my wife and I have been married a very long time and we share everything. That's why we got one coke.  We split it, like we do everything."

The man said: "I see, but why are you having the hamburger and your wife is not?"

"Well, Sir, that's because this is my week for the teeth,"

Finally ...


As a teenager I had a mild connection with the many circuses that came through New Bedford, Massachusetts in the 1950's.  

My future bride and I spent time at each circus.  We were especially interested in the so-called "Freak Shows." We made friends with two of those "freaks," ...  "The Monkey Lady and The Alligator Man." (I've made up names for them.)

The Alligator man (AL) looked normal from the neck up, but the rest of his body was covered with a skin condition that looked like scales. In spite of that, he was a very outgoing and friendly guy.

AL was usually the "attraction" situated next to the Monkey Lady (MONA), who was covered all over with hair. 

She suffered a rare hereditary condition known as "Congenital Generalized Hypertrichosis Terminalis," sometimes called the "Werewolf Syndrome." Most people would say that her hirsuteness made her look "ape like."

MONA was also a friendly person who didn't mind talking with young folks.

Her hairiness obviously didn't bother AL and they were married in a highly publicized wedding.  I'd like to say we received an invitation, but I can't find such a document.

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