Snow! But its not sticking to the street. I estimate that we got about 7 or 8 inches... this has not stopped our arsonist neighbor we call Burnie from burning a lot more pine in his outdoor caveman fireplace. One of these days he will burn his house down. It's just a matter of time. Meanwhile, even though the smoke fills the air with its stench, we opt to live with it.. because, if we complained, I am sure that he would make sure that we smelled a lot more than we are smelling now.
Some of my doctors are tied into Baltimore's Mercy Hospital and someone somewhere had programmed a contact method, which is supposed to allow one to have access to one's medical records. Nice in theory... lousy in practice. I have been trying for over a month to get into my records using this communication method. No luck.
I keyed in my usercode and password. They were rejected. After a number of tries, I was advised to go to a website where a computer program would determine if I am really me. I did so, and it gave me my usercode ... which happened to be my password. So.. I said, OK .. and tried that .. nope.. rejected again for bad usercode. I tried a few more times.. no luck. I was in "limbo" land.
My doctor's office gave me a telephone number to call... which I did.. they told me that my usercode was indeed my password and told me to make sure it was all caps. So.. I tried it again... no luck. I guess they really don't want me to know about my test results... then why the hell do they keep sending me non-accessible email messages to check my online information?
There! Now that I have vented about a couple of things.. I feel much better.
Civil War: Family Tree Magazine, in a 2011 article, listed some nicknames that Confederate troops used based on a soldier's home state:
Alabama - Yaller Hammers
Arkansas - Toothpicks or Josh
Florida - Gophers or Goober Grabbers
Kentucky - Corn Crackers
Louisiana - Tigers
Missouri - Border Ruffians
North Carolina - Tarheels
South Carolina - Rice Birds
Tennessee - Hog Drivers
Texas - Cowboys
Virginia - Tobacco Worms
The magazine also mentioned some Civil War slang. I like a couple of these:
Bragg's body guard - lice
Flux, quick step - diarrhea
Grab a root - eat a potato
See the elephant - experience combat
Somebody's darling - a dead soldier
Susan Jacoby writes about secularism in a New York Times article.. and I quote:
"...Politicians will continue to ignore secular Americans until they are convinced that there is a price to be paid for doing so. "God bless America' has become the standard ending of every major political speech. Just once in my life, I would like the chance to vote for a presidential candidate who ends his or her appeals with Thomas Paine's observation that 'the most formidable weapon against errors of every kind is Reason."
Which brings me to the New Hampshire primary: Why do they always want to be first?
My prediction:
1. Sanders
2. Clinton
1. Kasich
2. Trump
3. Christie
4. Cruz
but.. what do I know?
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