Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Jobs; Government; Social Security Administration; My SSA Class Members; Germany; Japan; Noodles; Poem

Heavy rain.. thunderstorms.. tornadoes .. flooding.. hail stones..  everything you ever wanted from a nice Winter storm.. without (thank God) the snow.  I'll try to finish this before the power goes out.


Government Work

One of my granddaughters applied for a computer job at the Social Security Administration, where I used to work and where my son works now.  She was in a line of 200 applicants for one job.

I read where NASA advertised for people to be in its next astronaut class..  18,300 persons applied. Only 8 to 14 will be selected.

Social Security Work

When I was hired for Social Security, I entered a class for future analysts.  In my class were some strange characters (including me, of course)... one guy was the son of a very famous general, and he was sampling all of the Government's offerings to see if he was suited for any... he wasn't suited for Social Security and lasted a very short time before getting let go.

Another guy could not function without his wife waiting outside the class door, to cheer him up from time to time.  He did survive the class, and when he worked, his wife would wait outside all day, just in case he needed her... and he did... a lot.

Another guy was a fired college professor who believed that the only way to learn was to make mistakes.  So, instead of even trying, he just made hap-hazard decisions for each case he worked on. His error rate was 0 cases... all errors.  He lasted just a few weeks.

Another guy was a little shy and when everyone was let go four hours early because of the Christmas holiday.. he stayed in the building, afraid that if he left early he would get fired.  Luckily for him... when he was the only one left in this enormous building, a maintenance man came back to the building that night because he had left something he needed.  After a big argument, the fraidy cat was convinced that it was ok for him to leave.

My favorite guy managed to get fired twice from Social Security, and get hired back again.  His best "move" was to put his foot up on his desk and clip and file his toenails.  He survived the class and supposedly became a programmer.  His first boss gave him a program to write with a deadline one year in the future.

At the end of the year, his boss asked for the test results. "What test results?"

So, the boss asked if he could see the "compilation."   "What compilation?"

How about the program instructions layout?   "Huh?"

Well, what about the punched cards?  (old fashioned)  "I don't have any punched cards."

Ok.. well then, show me the written program sheets.   "I didn't get that far."

Well... what about the flow charts?  "I didn't make any."

OK.. last resort, do you have any analysis notes?  "Sorry, no."

Boss:  "You are fired!"

Now.. even though this employee didn't do a stitch of work for a year except clip his toenails, his boss should have watched over him a little better.  He just assumed from the guy's (probably doctored up) resume that he was someone who could work on their own.  Bad assumption on this boss's part.

Later on, this sterling employee was given to me.. I think I have mentioned before ..  I always try to learn something from everyone I meet.  This guy gave me trouble in this regard until I grabbed onto his initials:  HL.   For years, I had been mixed up when running water into my bathtub or taking a shower.  I always got it wrong and got cold water instead of hot.  However, now... HL... Hot I would remember which faucet was which.   Thank you, HL.

Work for Retirees in Germany

Some senior citizens in Germany are getting involved with so-called "Granny Gangs" and are robbing banks.  (I always thought that retiree benefits for Germans were more than enough to allow them  to live comfortably.  Maybe they are robbing banks for the thrill of it.

Remember what Willy Sutton said when they asked him why he robbed banks:  "Well, silly, it's because that's where the money is."

That's probably why "scam artists" target senior citizens... that's where the money is.

Work for Retirees in Japan

Retirees in Japan are lining up to work at the new Ramen noodle spas. Yes, the workers put in the noodles, then the hot water, and then You.  I've heard that the customers find it very refreshing... and nutritious. 

Poem that I like.. written by fellow Intertel member, Mario Faverio

Lucky Dew

How lucky is the dew!
Always the first to hug the flowers in the morning,
light as thistledown,
bright as diamonds.
And when the day's fuss starts,
it's gone!


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