Wednesday, February 10, 2016

MyChart; Trump; Sanders; Cruz; New Hampshire; ISIS; Guantanamo; Borges; The Total Library; Library of Babel

Getting colder.

Well... here we go again with MyChart medical records... once again, their support was no help at all.  I guess they don't want me to be able to log in and see my test results.  If I had this kind of help desk and programming when I was a manager at Social Security... some folks would have to be reassigned.


Trump wins for the Republicans.  Followed by Kasich.

Sanders beat Hillary for the Democrats.

Suspicion.. since I think that a Trump nomination will be the death of the Republican Party.. I would suspect that other Independents like me and Democrats think so too and might have changed affiliation for the New Hampshire primary to Republican.. so they could help get Trump selected.   (Dumb idea?  Maybe not.)

Ted Cruz

Frank Bruni writes for the New York Times from Manchester, New Hampshire:..

Frank feels that Cruz is craftier and more devious than was realized...I quote: "He won Iowa with a wicked stew of Bible thumping and mischief.  On the trail, he spoke in messianic, apocalyptic tones about a country on the edge of an abyss;..."

Speaking of "messianic and apocalyptic"..  this is the message of ISIS. According to them, this is the End Times and they would like to get the U.S. to put "boots on the ground" and engage in the "Final War"...

President Obama has done a great job keeping our boots off the ground... thereby saving lots of lives.

By the way, one of the Guantamano detainees complains that his Internet connection has been taken away, and his profile was canceled.

The Total Library

In an essay in 1939, Argenntine writer Jorge Luis Borges discussed an imaginary libray that would hold not just every book ever written, but every book that could be written.   Remember all those monkeys at typewriters? 

Smithsonian magazine writes that the "Library of Babel" exists on the computer of Jonathan Basile in Washington, D.C.  Basile is only 30 years old, and has figured that since such a library would require storage space somewhere in the vicinity of 10 to the power of two million, he has developed a program that runs when someone plugs in text at   "The program displays all of the pages on which that text would appear if the library were real."

Got it?  Gonna try it?   I just did... Mensa fun!


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