Saturday, February 13, 2016

Justice Scalia; Voter Fraud; High School Grads; Whale Bones; Pope to Patriarch; Prison Riot; Metabolism; Trees; Hearing Aid

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia died yesterday at the age of 79.  Although I violently disagree with most of his writings on the Court, I think that he was a great American, and should be honored by the President for his many years of service to his Country.

I'm reading where there will probably not be another appointment to fill his vacancy this year.. I hope that is not the case.   I hope that the President will nominate someone whom the Senate will confirm, even though they might be more liberal than Judge Scalia.  A liberal on the Court could mean that some decisions might be revisited... such as the Citizens United fiasco of a decision.

Other Stuff:

Voter Disenfranchisement

The Nation magazine  sez:  There are 318,000 registered voters in the State of North Carolina who lack the government-issued ID required to vote under a stringent 2013 law designed to stop voter impersonation.   They also point to the fact that no (I repeat NO) people have been prosecuted for voter impersonation in North Carolina during the last decade.

High School Graduation Achievement

Good news for Carroll County, where I live.  The overall high school graduation rate in Maryland right now is 87%.  The following list shows where the best results are being made:

Carroll County  96%  (the highest in the State)
Howard County 93%
Harford County 90%
Baltimore County  88%
Ann Arundel County 88%

Another achievement occurred in Baltimore County where the % of black graduates has now equaled that of whites.

"Them bones gonna walk around..."

The luggage of a BWI passenger was filled with bones...which the passenger said was "whale bones"... they are being analyzed now and if they are whale bones, he will be guilty of an environmental crime.

Papa meets with Papa

Pope Francis met with Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Kirill at Havana.  Their main point of discussion was the plight of Christians in Iraq and Syria, who are being slaughtered by ISIS.

Prison Life in Mexico

Those who have watched Orange is the New Black  will be interested  in the riot at the Topo Chico Prison in Monterrey, Mexico.  A  total of 49 prisoners were stabbed or bludgeoned to death by other addition, the following items were confiscated:  60 hammers, 86 knives; 120 "shivs", marijuana, cocaine, televisions, and "USB memory sticks."

At Last.. a Way to Raise Metabolism!

The Bottom Line/Personal newsletter sez:  The Thrombosis Research Institute in London  has found that cold water stimulates immune cell production.  Apparently, during and after a nice  cold shower, the metabolism is speeded up as the body tries to warm itself and this activates the immune system.

I want mine!

Yale researchers have estimated that there are three trillion trees on planet Earth.  That comes out to be 420 trees for each person alive today.

Hearing Aid

Elaine told me a joke which I think she read in Readers Digest:

"My father kept asking for things to be repeated, but he did not think that he needed help with his hearing.  So, one day, I sat him down and told him that he definitely needed a hearing aid.

He looked me straight in the face and said: 'Why do I need a hand grenade?'"


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