Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Furnace; Catalog; Product Reviews; Shower Radio; Back Shaver; Shower Mirror; Electrolysis; Toe Alignment; Light Therapy; Hot Water Bottle

Warmish.  Our furnace gave out last night and the house started to get quite cold.. a call to our Security man got him to come to take a look.  He cleared out a clogged line, but it still wouldn't work, so he had to contact one of the maintenance men who is "on call".  (Can't let old-timers live in a house without heat.)  One of our long term maintenance buddies came in and fixed it quite handily.. and while he was here, he fixed the lighting in the furnace room.  Nice guy.

Once in a while, I perform a vital service by reviewing a store's offerings or a catalog's offerings.  My thoughts are given freely and with not a lot of research (I'm not Consumers' Reports.)  If you like, just ignore my entries, I won't mind, but you might want to think about these items when trying to decide what to buy for your latest "squeeze."

Sharper Image Catalog Items

Items for Men:

Weatherproof Shower Radio

Don't miss the dulcet tones of your favorite AM radio DJ while you scrub off the accumulated filth of the daily grind.  Also, if you go fishing... take this radio, because, if in your excitement on snagging a 500 pound Marlin, you drop the radio in the sea, don't despair ... it floats.  A bargain at $99.99. 

Electric Back Hair Shaver

Women definitely do not like a man with "caveman back."  So get rid of it by using this special shaver that allows you to have full access to your rear areas.  Only $69.99.

(In the Service, some guys look like Neanderthal Man or Sasquatch, with hair all over their bodies.  That's usually ok, unless they develop "dingleberries"... these are little round objects consisting of unmentionable bodily excrement that loves to stick to hair and is not easily removed by the host.  Therefore, it behooves his barracks mates to give him a "GI Shower."  Sometimes, the offensive hairy areas are shaved whether the host wants it or not.)

Heated Fog-free Shower Mirror

Those guys who like to listen to their radio in the shower, probably also like to shave in the shower.  If so, this mirror is something they would like to have.  For only $119.99 you get one that has 1x and 3x magnification.  (The 3x magnification would be good for checking out those areas of your body that are hard to see normally because of your fat belly.)

Items for Women

Cordless Portable LED Home Electrolysis Kit

You can roll this over your unwanted hair (eyebrows.. mustache... legs... ) and if you do it enough  times, no more hair will grow on that spot.  For just $99.99.

Here in Westminster, there is a lady who has a nice black mustache.. I've always wondered why she has never shaved it off.  Maybe she thinks that if she shaves it, it will come back again and again and she will have to keep shaving.  It is kind of hard to keep from looking at it when you are talking to her.

During World War II, my mother (a fantastically beautiful woman by the way) decided that she did not the way her eyebrows looked, so she began to shave and pluck them... the result:  the hair did not grow back and she had to draw her eyebrows for the rest of her life.  She still looked good though because she was good at drawing. 

Full  Face Professional Light Therapy System

Using 262 lights (count -em.. 262) in one small package,  one can get rid of wrinkles and acne by shining them on your face for just 8 minutes a day.  The price of beauty is just right at $349.99.

(You might want to consult with your dermatologist first.)

Moisturizing Toe Alignment Socks

Are your toes dry? Are your toes crooked?  Well these socks may be just the thing you need.  They cover your feet, except for the toes, which are forced to stick out as God intended.  Where the moisture part of the package is, I'm not sure.  Only $59.99.

Remember: Moses supposes his toes is a rose, but Moses supposes erroneously.

Something for Everybody

Electric Hot Water Bottle

Fill it up, plug it in, unplug it when it's at 160 degrees, and stick it where it will feel the best.  And just for $59.99.  

Remember that hot water bottle that still costs less than $8?  You had to heat the water and fill the bottle.  Lots more work, but less risk of electrical shock and a lot less expensive.. and it works just as well.

There.. I hope you found something of use in my review.


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