Today was Great Decisions day. We had a speaker on the Koreas.. followed by a video on Korea and one on the Kurds. Good information.
Do you have a meaningful life?
From the Mensan Brainwave: Dorothy L. Leigler sez:
"We all have a need to find purpose in life... our purpose in life may be as simple as dispensing love and kindness wherever we go... possessing a high sense of purpose in life is essential with a reduced risk for mortality and cardiovascular events."
Unnecessary Drug Testing:
Annamarya Scaccia sez: "Last year in Missouri, 38,970 welfare applicants took mandated drug tests. A mere 48 of them, or 0.1% tested positive."
Privacy Concern
Jimmy Wales (Wikimedia Founder), states that NSA is intercepting and searching a lot of messages sent through all kinds of communications methods. (I would have expected that they could and would intercept and search all of the communication media that they can reach, using keyword examination. Otherwise, how could they save the US from the bad guys?)
The ACLU reports that the CIA has a torture program. How does one torture people these days?
o stuff them into small boxes
o beat them
o subject them to water-boarding
o deprive them of food
o deprive them of sleep
o keep them in isolation
o attack their ear-drums with loud sound
o keep them in darkness
I didn't know that.
In 1953, President Eisenhower ordered the dismissal of all gay and lesbian Federal employees.
Smithsonian sez: Earthworms in some northern parts of the country are not indigenous. Glaciers eliminated them as they progressed southward. However, their relatives and some who immigrated in plant pots filled the gap.
Spring is almost here
"Come fill the Cup, and in the Fire of Spring
The Winter Garment of Repentance fling:
The Bird of Time has but a little way
To fly - and Lo! the Bird is on the Wing."
From the opening quatrain for the Rubiyat of Omar Khayyam (as translated by Edward Fitzgerald. about this home-grown poetry?
Spring has sprung
The grass is green.
I wonder where
The flowers is.
Yes, the boid is on the wing.
My, how absoid, the wing is on the boid
Amazing Genius
Jany Malabry writes in Integra about Jacques Thomas, one of my fellow members of Intertel, who lived in Lyon France, and who passed away a short time ago. Here are a few of his accomplishments during 89 years of life:
Fought four years in Vietnam.. as a cavalry officer and Army pilot.
Was a photographer in Paris.
Was a lecturer for UNESCO.. on the Culture of Oceania.
Became the world's most noted expert on boomerangs.
(Four of his boomerangs were taken on the shuttle Atlantis, to study their behavior in micro-gravity, some of his boomerangs were used by Crocodile Dundee, and some were used by the US Navy.)
Navigated Cape Horn at the wheel of a schooner.
Raised a baby bear, suckling it with a feeding bottle.
Was awarded the Chevalier of the Legion of Honor for his exceptional war service.
While Jacques was doing all of these things.. most of us were just sitting around watching TV and drinking beer. Shame on us!
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