Sunday, July 24, 2016

Democratic National Convention; Active Shooter; Electoral College; Hillary Clinton; Senior Quotes; Bill Engelhardt Passes

HoT again!   So what!  It's summer, dude.

(My goal of publishing a blog entry for each and every day of the year is just 4 entries short as of today.  I'm getting there.)


Well, we are getting ready for the Democratic National Convention taking place in Philadelphia starting on Monday.  Should be fun.

Of course, right away there are problems... with emails again.  Trump is latching right on to some WikiLeaks output, as expected.  But I don't think it will help him.

Active Shooter

Charles Homan writes for the New York Times magazine about gun violence.  May I quote some of his excellent article from June 26, 2016: 

"The active shooter has always seemed a particularly .. if not exclusively .. American menace, a dark confluence of the country's mania for guns, self-definition, reinvention and fame."

Oh, yeah... the good old U. S. of A. is certainly on top of the list of countries with deaths by guns. 

I think that Charlie nails it when he says: "The active shooter owns something that, in a distraction-addled world, is perhaps even more coveted: our attention.  This is certainly what Mateen wanted.  In the final moments of his life, HE REPORTEDLY STOPPED SHOOTING LONG ENOUGH TO SEARCH FACEBOOK FOR RESPONSES TO HIS OWN PERFORMANCE."

Electoral College

If Clinton wins the 18 states that have voted Democratic in the last six elections, she will gain 242 electoral votes, just 28 short of getting the Presidency.  There are 183 electoral votes to be gained from the swing states.  What do you think?  Does Trump have a chance?  Will these folks vote for a Trump presidency?

o  Women
o   LGBT Folks
o   Hispanics
o   Moslems
o  The disabled
o  Whoever else he has insulted

Also, recently I read on Facebook that at one time a radio announcer asked Trump if he would consider running for public office.  Supposedly, he responded that if he decided to run, he would run as a Republican, because those people are dumbbells.   (Now, I'm not sure if this is a true quote.. I just saw it, but I didn't note who submitted it.)

More Senior Quotes

Anon:  Indentured Servant:  a senior citizen working part time to pay for dentures.

James A. Garfield:  "If wrinkles must be written upon our brows, let them not be written upon the heart.  The spirit should never grow old."

Benjamin Franklin:  "By my rambling digressions I perceive myself  to be growing older."

Burt Reynolds:  "Retirement must be wonderful.  I mean, you can suck in your stomach for only so long."

A Dear Friend Passes

Bill Engelhardt passed away this week.  He was getting chemo treatments for a cancer and they caused him to get heart problems which he did not survive.  Bill was an amazing person.  Almost by himself, he built the HCFA Alumni Association.  Even after HCFA kicked his group out of their headquarters, Bill kept it going from his home in Pennsylvania.

Bill had a great sense of humor.. I have stolen jokes from him for years.  His dear wife passed away a few years ago and I went to a memorial service for her.  He was a twin, and his brother was with him when he passed.  He will be missed.   Rest In Peace, my friend.


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