Thursday, July 7, 2016

Mr. Trump; Gentleman Crook; America Firsts; Emotional Words; Mensa Thinking

"We're havin' a heatwave, a tropical heatwave.
The temperature is rising, it isn't surprising,
We're havin' a heatwave."

But... this is a great time for fun in the news, for instance: 

TRUMP Bashing

In  These Times magazine writes a few things, that I quote:

"This (Trump's) rhetoric scares many Americans. 'A Trump presidency represents an existential threat to immigrants in America,'  says Lynn Tramonte, deputy director of America's Voice, a D.C;. based immigrant advocacy group."

"Historians will likely debate the roots of Trump's rise for decades.  But the demographics are clear enough:  He's enormously popular with white people without college educations."}

"The real estate mogul has engaged in a level of race-baiting not seen in presidential politics since at least the end of segregation."

So... what do we do if he gets elected?  Migrate to Canada?  Better to wait until he screws up royally and then impeach him... that might work.  Maybe.  Is it valid to compare him to Hitler?


Police in Pennsylvania are looking for the "Straw Hat Bandit."  He is a neatly dressed crook, with a Panama hat.   He's done at least 10 heists in the past few years.  There's a story there.

America Firsts

Per the Funny Times for July 2016:

1st in guns per capita
1st in cocaine seizures
1st in obesity

1st in percentage of the population that's incarcerated

Emotional Words

The New York Post lists some words that describe special feelings:

o  basorexia -- the sudden urge to kiss someone.

o  dolce far niente -- the pleasure of doing nothing

o  hwyl -- (pronounced who-eel) Welsh word for exuberance or used to say "goodbye"

o  iktsuarpok -- fidgeting, waiting for someone or thing to occur

Interested?  Well, get a cop y of The Book of Human Emotions by Tiffany Watt Smith. 

Example of Mensan Thinking

According to the New York Post, a British scientist hit on an idea to help Botswanan farmers save their cows from predatory lions.  Solution:

He had eyes painted on the rumps of the cows..  this trick fools the lions who normally attack from the rear.  During a test run of 85 cows, 23 had their backsides painted with eyes.. 62 did not.  All 23 cows survived, while three of the non-painted cows were caught by lions.

Remember... some moths and butterflies have phony eyes on their wings to deter predators.

.......................bye bye............................

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