Hot as usual. Not too bad. Maybe 91 and humidity isn't extremely high. Lots of thunderheads in the sky near us.
Got another zucchini today.. I think that makes 5 so far. Also, about 5 short fat cukes... although they taste good. Lots and lots of green tomatoes. Even if they don't turn red, we'll fry them up and they will be good. I picked our second green pepper and mixed it with some ham salad. Very tasty.
I just got back from a dermatologist appointment. I'm skin cancer free. I'll be going back in six months. Dr. Yang did warn me to keep a close watch on my skin because skin cancers move fast.
I don't have much time, so here is some "fast" stuff:
From that rag... the New York Post... they hate Hillary and kind of like Trump. Is this a Murdoch paper? Probably.
Uninvited Hara Kiri
A Japanese man wanted to rid the world of disabled people. So, he slashed 19 disabled people to death at a care facility. 45 more people were injured. All of the victims were aged 60 to 80. Now, when American nutballs read this news, some will want to become copycats.
Middle School Sex Offenders
Lenore Skenazy wrote an article in the Post that pointed out the absurdity of judges sentencing 12 year olds to jail and to be labeled sex offenders and have restrictions on housing and contacts for the rest of their life.
Jacob was found guilty of touching his sister inappropriately when he was 11. He was taken out of his family moved to a juvenile home and then to a foster home. He is branded as a sex offender, and will bear that title for the rest of his life.
Two 14 year old boys grabbed a couple of 12 year old boys and "sat on their faces" as a joke. It was a stupid thing to do.. but because of it, these two kids will be labeled a sex offenders for the rest of their lives.
A young boy, roughhousing with his "Tomboy" sister will now sport a "sex offender" label when he tries to get a job.
Now... think back to your childhood... what do you think? Is the world going crazy?
A New Voter Suppression Trick to Think About
The Post also mentions that a roving band of Thai monkeys attacked a polling station and tore up voter lists.
Not your Rubber Duckie Bathtub Toy
The Post also mentions that an Australian teen-ager found a 6 foot alligator in her bathroom. Not native to Australia, the alligator was a pet of her neighbor.
Trump Quotes
People for the American Way listed some recent quotes by Donald Trump. I thought it might be interesting to quote them:
"Torture works, okay folks?.. But we should go much stronger than waterboarding. That's the way I feel."
"There has to be some form of punishment" for women who have abortions.
"I could stand in the middl3e of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters."
Unbelievable.... and scary!!
New To Me .. English
I probably should have known these entries in a recent New York Times Acrostic Puzzle, created by my old buddies, Emily Cox and Henry Rothvon:
EEPHUS PITCH .. Slow, high arcing throw to a batter.
SADAHARU OH: Giannt who hit a record 898 Home Runs.
GAMBOGE: Saffron-hued pigment used to d ye Buddhist monk's robes.
(Look them up.. there's some great stories there.)
New to Me .. German
KREIDE .. weisser Kalkstein (chalk)
GENICK .. Nacken (neck)
"Einem auf das Dach steigen" Tell someone off (kind of)
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