Thursday, July 21, 2016

Republican National Convention; Race


I'll be glad when the RNC is over.  It's getting me depressed.

Let's talk about Race today.  I scanned the RNC audience as shown on National TV and saw only a few African Americans in attendance.  Of course there was Dr. Carson and Mike Tyson.  I'm sure this will be a great contrast to the Democratic National Convention.  I hope so.  We need to include everyone in our election processes. I don't think that the Republicans have learned that yet.

But sometimes I get discouraged when I can detect outright bigotry when I am speaking to certain people.  For instance, today I was having what I thought was a pleasant talk with a person who worked where I had worked.  Every time she talked about somebody, she had to preface that person with a word: "white" or "black."    She mentioned that just before she retired she was one "of only four white people" doing what she was doing.. and that contributed to her decision to retire.  I think that I detected "hate" in her remarks.  Very sad.

She did mention that she liked an elderly lady that worked with her.. but she had to say "elderly black lady." 

I still remember that Star Trek episode where two sets of almost identical looking persons were in a "death struggle."  They hated each other, because they were different.  One had his right side different in color to his left side.   The other had his left side different to his right side. 

I've mentioned this before.  It was September, and my late wife asked the little girl next door if she liked her new teacher.  "Miss Elaine, she is black."   My wife said: "Yes, but is she nice?"  The little girl replied:  "But, Miss Elaine, I said, she's black."  She got this attitude, of course, from her family. I think that is shameful. What do we do about this?

Everybody today, black, white, yellow, red.... is descended from the same African lady.  Many, many, many years ago her descendants spread out all over the world, and some changed color and facial peculiarity based on environmental situations.  So, if we are all related, why the hell can't we get along.. and become color-blind? 


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