Our thermometer must be broken... it was pointing to 100 degrees from 9 am til 5 pm. Whew!
The Democratic National Convention has started in Philadelphia. It was gaveled to order by the mayor of Baltimore (Stephanie Rollins-Blake) around 4:30 pm. Wasserman-Schultz decided to let someone else chair the convention, because of the email flap.
When the emails were sent, Sanders was running as an Independent, not a Democrat. So, what the hell is the big deal. Trump will be hitting on this forever I'm sure.
Perhaps Donald will also try to say that Hillary was born in Benghazi, and therefore is ineligible to become President. Or, maybe he'll pick up on some weird thing that the National Enquirer says about Hillary, the way he got excited by the phony Cruz/Oswald connection.
Stop Eating So Damn Much!
Dr. Roy Walford writes in the Bottomline Health that it is possible to slow the aging process by eating less. He says that in the 1970's he placed certain mice on a calorie-restricted diet and found that they lived up to 50% longer than their food guzzling fellows. He suggests that this could be applied to humans.
For two years, he was resident physician for the residents in Biosphere 2, a self-contained domed habitat in the Arizona desert.
The residents could only eat what they grew within the dome. This restricted their daily food input to less than 2,200 calories. At the end of their "confinement" the residents showed "dramatic improvements in 'biomarkers' for aging." Their blood sugar and insulin levels fell, as well as their blood pressure. I don't know how much weight the residents lost, but I'll bet it was considerable if they were overweight to start.
(For a long time, I have restricted myself to less than 2,000 calories per day, but I can't seem to nudge my 199-202 pound "set-point." I've got to be doing something wrong.)
Dr. Walford suggests the following principles:
o Eat more plant foods, such as fruit, vegetables, dried beans, grains and tofu.
(No, you don't have to become a vegetarian, but you might want to substitute fish for red meat.)
o Eat more nutrient dense foods, such as wheat germ, oat bran, brewer's yeast, kombu and nori seaweeds. (Hmmm, I never heard of that seaweed, but I think that Elaine's daughter and her family eat it regularly.)
o Cut back on consumption of sugar, alcohol and butter, and other fats.
PS by Venice A. Fulton in Six Weeks to OMG.
"... it's smart to try different fruits and vegetables... Rotate Your Crops!
Most of us haven't even explored 10% of what's in our grocery store...
... people with super low rates of cancer also had the highest variety of food in their diet."
Idea for the Obese
In last Sunday's New York Times, an article suggested that instead of putting cats' food in bowls for them to easily find, overeat and throw up, to make them hunt for it instead... which is their natural inclination... and this would keep them nice and slim. The author mentions buying small gray containers which would hold each cat's food. The containers look a bit like the mice that cats like to hunt. The idea is to hide the food container each day and let the cat hunt for it. So... a happy and slim cat is the result? I wonder how we could apply that to humans.
"Dammit, Elaine, where did you hide the potato chips?".
Go.. and sin no more, Fatso!
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