Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Some folks liked this joke, so I'm reissuing it.


Connie Strohecker was a "mainstay" of the Carroll County, Maryland AARP Chapter.  She arranged for very popular trips to interesting places, often adding from her own funds to make sure we always traveled first class.

She also arranged the trip prices so that they were not a financial problem for the attendees and would still have money left over for the AARP Chapter treasury.

When I was Chapter President and when we had enough money, Connie arranged for representatives from various Senior Citizens  organizations to join Chapter members in ceremonies where large donations were given to help them address aging issues,

Connie did lots of other altruistic things and I was about to nominate her for the Maryland Senior Citizens Hall Of Fame (MSCHF) when she passed away. She was in her late 90's

Connie usually had lots to say at meetings and often she would end her remarks by telling slightly risque jokes and anecdotes. Here is a joke that she loved to tell, and we members loved to hear:

Wife: "Could you fix the leaking faucet?

Husband: "No, do you see 'Plumber' written on my forehead?"

Wife: "Well then, could you please mow the lawn today?"

Husband:  "No, do you see 'Landscaper' written on my forehead?"

Wife: "Well, how about at least fixing the broken step on the stairs?"

Husband:  "Do you see 'Carpenter' written on my forehead?  I'm going out for a beer."

Four hours later, the husband comes home and notices that some things have been fixed.  He asks "how?"

Wife : "Well, a nice young handsome man knocked at the door while you were gone and offered to fix the faucet, mow the lawn, and fix the broken step."

"After he was done, I asked him how I could pay him for the jobs."

"He told me, 'You could bake me a cake or sleep with me.' "

Husband: "What kind of cake did you bake him?"

Wife:  "Do you see 'Baker' written on my forehead?"




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