Thursday, October 28, 2021


I saw this online, but I don't know who wrote it:

"In popular music, lyrics are less important than the music.  Often the words of popular songs float past innocuously. Stringing together meaningless words that sound good together can be an effective strategy ... Bad lyrics can be a deal-breaker ... "

There are companies that will generate lyrics for you if you give them some keywords. I wonder if such lyrics rhyme.

If I gave them these keywords, what would it generate?



"I wonder if you are my best star, 

 Singing there in Hollywood.

If that makes you need to twinkle,

Go ahead and pee for me."


I grew up listening to "popular at the time" songs that had rhyming lyrics and now, if I don't detect a rhyming lyric for a "popular now" song, my stomach churns and I get grumpy.

An example of lyrics that irritate me, I give you part of the song " Who I AM" belted out by country singer Jessica Andrews in 2001:

"If I live to be a HUNDRED

And never see the seven WONDERS

That'll be all ri-ai-ai-ite

If I don't make it to the big LEAGUES

If I never win a GRAMMY

I'm gonna be just FINE

Cause I know exactly who I AM"

(My upper case bold spots .. not Bald Spots, you Rascal .. indicate for me where rhyming words should be.. IMHO.)

Later in the song she does get into some rhyming:

"I'm a saint and I'm a sinner

I'm a loser, I'm a winner

I am steady and unstable

I'm young and I am able"

Good work, Jessica.

This song that bugs me is used as an opening to the TV series "SUE THOMAS, FB EYE."  Elaine and I like to watch the show which we feel is a "cut above" the usual TV fare.  It is about an attractive deaf lady who becomes an FBI agent and lip-reads miscreants.

By the way, according to the Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes, there is more to Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star than you might have imagined:  Here are two verses of the five verse poem:

"Twinkle, twinkle, little star, 

How I wonder what you are!

Up above the world so high,

Like a diamond in the sky.

In the dark blue sky you keep.

And often through my curtains peep,

For you never shut your eye,

Til the sun is in the sky.

Twinkle, twinkle little star, 

How I wonder what you are!" 


Night, night!

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