Monday, October 4, 2021


Sunday's New York Times had a nicely written article by Maria Cramer about 91-year-old Pat Robertson, who is retiring from his famous (infamous?) "700 Club" after 50 years.  Mr. Robertson's son, Gordon will take over the show, with guest appearances by his father, whenever he has had long conversations with Jesus.

I have always thought that Pat was  a reincarnation of the fictitious Elmer Gantry, but with the help of modern communication methods.

I also always wondered about the origin of The 700 Club.

To paraphrase (kind of misquote) Ms. Cramer's information: 

Mr. Robertson was praying for financial aid for his "enterprise," when "... Jesus appeared to him with a 'vision for the world.'"

This initiated a series of telethons "asking for 700 viewers to pledge $10 a month to the station."  Hence, began the "700 Club."

Here are some of Pat's views, as mentioned in the article... with my own comments:

01. Islam is a violent religion.

(Some Arab leaders might tend to violence, but I think that the billions of people who study the Koran, tend to honor peace instead.)

 02.  Same sex romance is repulsive.  

(I outgrew that view when I entered High School.  That is no problem for me.  Everybody needs some one to love.)

03.  Feminism is a form of socialism.

(Women should be treated equally as men, and men should help women break the "glass ceiling.")

04.  Natural disasters and terrorism are caused by "moral and spiritual failings."  Also by not enough praying..    

(When I came home from the service, I went in to see my Baptist preacher.  He immediately had me kneel and recite the Lord's Prayer as he kept looking at his wrist watch.  When I finished, he said: "Thank You, Jesus," handed me a Bible, and hustled off for "a very important date.")

05.  Marijuana should be legalized.

(At last, something we agree about.


I suggest that you get a copy of the New York  Times for October 3rd, 2021 and read Maria Cramer's very informative article.

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