Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Dandelions; Blog Readership; Clinton and Trump; Time Management;

Another sunny, warm Spring day.  65-70 degrees.  I attended the CLV Train the Brain class this morning and learned something that I will be mentioning in a later blog.   Elaine wonders why my brain has not been fully trained yet.

A Beautiful Spring Flower!

I've written before about how much I like dandelions.  They are my favorite flower.  In my April 20th, 2010 blog entry for my Joe Reads the News Blog, I wrote the definitive paean to a flower.  I just reread it, and it is good.. in fact, as I tell Elaine all the time: "Man, am I good!"


One of the fears that bloggers have is that nobody reads their blog.  Since that is my fear too, I checked some statistics and came up with the following for each of the blogs I have cranked out for the past ten or twelve years:

Blog Name                               Average Views per Post

Hello, Baltimore                              56

Humor Program                               78

50 Years Ago                                  302

Joe's Toastmasters                          127

Joe's Trips                                        362

Joe's Family Notes                            68

TRIAD                                             211

Joe's Jokes                                        215

Quick Local News                           150

Joe's Book Reviews                         112

Social Security Alumni                    280

Joe Reads the News                         125

Prepop Sez                                           8

Now, what does all that mean?  Nothing really because I have not listed the number of  blog entries, but it does let my family know that I have been quite busy for a few years, and people have been reading what I have read.  And what that doesn't show is the fun I've been having writing the blogs.


As expected, Hillary and Donald won in New York, their "home" states.  Cruz utterly bombed out and Kaisich didn't do too well.   Bernie did ok, but not enough.  Lots of election problems in New York.  Apparently 120,000 people in Brooklyn didn't get to vote because their updated information was not acted upon by an understaffed entity.  I don't think that would have made a difference in the counts anyway,  But, it must be very frustrating to be told you can't vote, when you had no idea that would happen.  Also, New York, like Maryland has a closed primary.  Democrats can only vote on a Democratic ticket.  Republicans can only vote on a Republican ticket.

Watching the Clock

Readers Digest published an article by Tony Crabbe, in which he mentions one of the fantasies of Time Management:  If you get more organized, you will get to the top.  Instead, he writes, and I quote:   "... that works only in a finite world.  We haven't lived in that world for quite a while.  In our infinite world, we will never be able to get on top of everything.  When we complete more tasks,   more take their place... send more e-mails, get more replies.  If we do more as a result of better managing our time, we just become busier."   How true!


Gotta run!  Bye.

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