Sunday, April 24, 2016

IRS Scam; Political Fact-Checking; Toleration; Harry's Jokes

Another nice warm sunny Spring day.  However, the weather report says that we might have a frost tonight! Huh?

IRS Scammers

The Carroll County (Maryland) Times today had some tips on how to handle all of these IRS scammers who are calling and emailing right now.  If you have caller-ID, don't pick up.  If you pick up, hang up.

To report IRS scam calls, you can report them at  Click on "IRS  Imp Scam" and fill out the form.... or call: 1-800-366-4484.

You can also forward any scam email to


The New York Times today did a piece entitled "Debunking the 'Crooked Hillary' Myth.  In it, the author, Nicholas Kristof, mentions that politicians' truthfulness can be assessed when they are on the campaign trail.  PoltiFact, a famous fact-checking site, calculated that 95% of Hillary's statements are either wholly or mostly true.  To contrast that with the other candidates' scores, lets put the percentages side by side:

Truth Percentages

o  Hillary  95%
o  Bernie   46%
o  Kasich   33%
o  Cruz      23%
o  Trump   12%  (pants on fire)

According to what I heard on CNN's rebroadcast of the networks' Sunday talkshows, the Republicans may be feeling a little cosier with the Donald winning their nomination.  Mr. Trump himself is trying to play "nice nice" all of a sudden. He still has to fight against the ultra Conservative bent of the Republican National Committee... for instance, Trump said that he might be ok with abortion in cases of rape and incest.  This goes against the head of the RNC, who says he wants no abortions for any reason, because a person is human "at conception." 

Hillary already has a campaign ad out with those clips of Trump's now famous statements about Moslems,  women, and Mexicans.

I predict that if the RNC does not give Trump it's nomination ab initio, he will bolt the party and form a new one.  Whatever happens, I would imagine that the days of the Republicans are numbered.


Also in the New York Times was an opinion piece by Wajahat Ali, a well-known playwright and creative director.  He cites the many times lately that us WASPs have gotten scared of people speaking Arabic, and have reported them to the authorities as possible terrorists.  For instance, an Iraqi refugee was recently removed from a Southwestern Airlines flight because one of the passengers heard him speaking Arabic on his cellphone.  The victim supposes the listener heard him say the Arabic phrase "inshallah,"  which translates to "God willing."  But it usually is said in a kind of sarcastic manner.

Ali gives an example:  Boy: "Father, will we go to Toys 'R' Us later today?"
Father: "Yes, Inshallah."
Translation: "There's no way we're going to Toys 'R' Us, I'm exhausted.  Play with the neighbor's toys..."

He gives another example:  Man: "So, you think, we can go on a date later this week?"
Woman:  "Yeah, let me think about it, inshallah."
Translation:  "No, never.  There is no way (under the sun that) we are ever going on a date..."

Get the picture?

Ali ends with an example of something he might say/pray out loud while on an airplane."Inshallah, trump and Cruz get zero votes.". if you hear him just be assured that he is only a "harmless dork" like  you, hoping to stay on the plane.

The Last Jokes from Harry Hershfield (I promise)

A husband insisted on being a nudist while he was at home.  His wife did not like that.  She said: "Please, please, do not walk around the house nude!"  "My house is my castle," he  yelled, "if I want to be a modernist, and nudist, nobody can stop me!"  Again she  pleaded:  "Please don't walk around the house naked - if the neighbors see  your shape they'll be positive that I married you for your money."

A tourist entered one of those Western towns that you see portrayed in films.  He saw an Indian half asleep, leaning against a post.  Being a nosey, butter-in tourist, he gave advice to the Indian: "Why don't you get a job, get a salary and save your money; then invest it and get rich and you won't have to work anymore!'  The Indian smiled and replied:  "(You dummy!)  Why should I go to all that trouble, I'm not working now!"

How true!


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