Tuesday, April 12, 2016

MRI Results; Favorite Blond Joke; Republican Survey; Clinton; Trump; Cruz; Boston Globe Front Page; Yiddish Curse

Started out cold, but later it got to 60 degrees.  Elaine and I had planned on going on a "mystery trip" put on by Carroll Lutheran Village, but Elaine must have digested some garlic in last night's food and was very sick during the night.  We decided not to go.  I need to get more information about the garlic allergy.

MRI Results

I knew that I should not have gotten that damn MRI yesterday.  Dr. Sigman got the results and called me right away.  He said: "I've got good news and bad news."  O.K., Doc.. give it to me straight.

He told me the bad news is that I do indeed have a 4 centimeter growth on my left kidney.  The good news is that it is only on one of my kidneys.  (It had not dawned on me until today that I have two, count 'em, kidneys.)  So, now I have to see Dr. Ben Lowentritt, a kidney surgeon.  Hey, man, I'm too old for this aggravation.  And Sigman wants we to go back for my pelvic MRI on Monday.  Can I take them finding a mass somewhere else?  And, like I said, I'm not even Catholic.

Now, can I tell an old joke that I tell a lot?  Well, I will anyway.

A gentleman goes into a cafe to have a beer.  See sees two young blond ladies sitting at the bar. These ladies look amazingly alike, so our gentleman asks them: "Are you ladies sisters?"

They turned and looked right at him and replied:  "Hell, no.  We ain't even Catholic!"


I love that joke.


I have been an Independent  for many years, but this year I wanted to vote in the Maryland Democratic Primary, so I tried to switch my affiliation.  I don't think that has been done yet because I have not received the Democratic pre-voting material, as Elaine had.

Anyway, today I received a survey from the Republican National Committee.. I guess because I once subscribed to a Republican magazine, they think that I am a Republican.  In fact, the first section (Political Profile) says:  Do you generally identify yourself as a:

-- Conservative Republican
-- Moderate Republican
-- Liberal Republican
-- Tea Party Member
--  Independent voter who leans Republican
--  Other  (Hey, that's me)

They ask you to register your opinion on the following social issues:

-- School Prayer
-- Ban burning the flag
-- Ban human cloning
-- Ban all abortions
-- Faith based initiatives
-- Fight against same sex marriage
-- Ban Federal funds for birth control
-- Ban Federal funds for abortions

Can you see where the Republican party is going?  They had better change a lot of their opinions in order to remain a viable party.  The real world is passing them by. (In my humble opinion.)

Other survey questions:

-- Do you believe more federal laws that impede individuals' Second Amendment rights are the proper response to gun violence in our nation? (This is the NRA prompted question.)

-- Do you feel that actions by the Obama Administration in recent years have seriously eroded Americans' individual freedoms? (How about some examples.. even one!)

--  Do you think it is in the United States' national interest to take military action against ISIS in Iraq and Syria?  (Yeah, let's send more American young men over there to die before they have begun to live.)

--  Should America take military action if necessary to keep North Korea from  using nuclear weapons? (Sure, and then that Kim Dumb Song.. or whatever, will have an excuse to do some big harm to civilization.  Let's let their neighbor, China, take care of this clown.)

--  Do  you believe that President Obama's action in working to shrink America's international influence is fueling the present rise of terrorism throughout the world.  (Just leave it to the RNC to ask dumb ass questions like this.)

My prediction: Secretary Clinton will get a landslide win against Trump or Cruz or whoever.. or even against a Trump third-party if made necessary.  The Republicans, because of Trump and also because of the Tea Party and also because of Republican Senators and Representatives who live in the dark ages when it comes to common sense, will lose their control of the Senate and the House.  But...I could be wrong.  I just hope not.

Did you see the front page of the Boston Globe the other day.  It was a prediction of what it would really look like if Trump became President.  God help us if that happens.

If this were 1900 and I was Jewish, I would say to those Republicans trying to become President:

Zoln dir vaksn burekes fun pupik, in zolst pishn mit borsht.

(May a red beet grow out of your belly button, and may you pee borsht.)

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