Another partly sunny, 70 degree day thanks to global warming. Representatives of 150 countries are meeting today at the United Nations in New York, to sign an agreement that their country will reduce carbon emissions and other pollutants. A good first step. I hope they try to live up to what they are agreeing to.
More Trivial Material from Prepop's Old Files
Boycott Red Meat?
Harvard Men's Health Watch newsletter for February 2011 talked about red meat. They were agin it. Better to eat beans for the protein than red meat. Fish is ok. They site an 11 year American study that concluded that a high consumption of red and processed meat was linked to a substantial increase in the risk of cancer in the lower colon and rectum, while the long term consumption of fish and poultry appeared to be protective.
They also site a 2009 Australian study that found that people who eat red meat ten or more times a week are nearly 50% more likely to develop Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) than people who consume five or fewer portions a week!
Hey! I like red meat... how much can I safely eat? Well, the American Institute for Cancer Research suggests a general goal of no more than 300 grams (11 ounces) a week, with very little or no processed meat.
I love garlic; garlic makes Elaine sick. Each evening I get supper as carryout from our "Bistro", kind of deli for us old farts. Unfortunately, all vegetables except mashed potatoes are sprinkled with a salt/pepper/garlic mixture, and most entrées have garlic included in their preparation. Even the soup, usually made from packets provided by the restaurant's provider, have some form of garlic included.
So, for instance, tonight, there was nothing on the "line" that Elaine could eat. So, I had a grilled cheese sandwich made for her, and picked up a lot of cut up fruit.
When I cook, every noon, and usually two evenings a week, I refrain from using garlic .. or onions, which do not make her ill.. she just does not like them. A garlic allergy is a rare allergy, with no known cure that I could find online. I'll keep looking. I hate to see Elaine miss out on all the delicious food that she can't handle.
Saturday Evening Post
Today, I sent a check for a subscription to the Saturday Evening Post, because one incentive was access to their archives and I wanted to see some of the old cartoons if possible. When I was around 7 or 8 years old, I would assault our copies of that magazine with sharp scissors and cut out all of the cartoons. I also did that with other magazines that neighbors provided us when they were finished with them.
Even at an early age, I was a compulsive hoarder and paper organizer. I would separate all of the cartoons by artist, and then attempt to copy them. As I mentioned before, I became quite good at drawing Mutt and Jeff, Sluggo, Jiggs, Maggie, the Little King; Sappo, etc etc. So, I'm anxious to see if the archives of the Saturday Evening Post include those old old old cartoons.
A few years ago, I had a subscription when the magazine resurrected (it had died for years) but I found that it had become just a "shill" for fundamental religionists. I've been told that all that has changed. I hope so. Time will tell.
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