Sunday, April 3, 2016

Pajama Pants; Beer; Hair Products; Ice Cream; Search for Percy; Easter Hat Parade; Business Interview; Uptalking

Chilly but sunny... and the strong winds have lingered all day.   Once again, our patio table and umbrella were tipped over, and they weigh quite a bit.  Our neighbors are out fiddling with their landscaping.. they still don't want to give up being "hands on" even though the Village takes care of that function.  Lots of Spanish-speaking guys work for 8 or 9 hours every day of the week, cutting grass, applying mulch, and doing all of the chores that I used to do when I was not a resident of this marvelous place.

Can we talk?

Asleep or Awake?

Apparently, one of the current fashion crazes is to wear pajama pants.  INC magazine calls it "The Third Wardrobe."  I've seen some clowns dressed like that walking down main street, and I've read where some restaurants will not serve people in pajamas.  I do think that it looks better than those jeans with rips and holes.  What a dumb thing that is!  And maybe they will now stop wearing pants and shirts that are 10 sizes bigger than they need. 

Brand Origins

INC magazine also has some interesting information from Abigail Baron  about how and where certain commonly known product brands came to be. 

They mention that Dos Equis beer was dreamed up by Wilhelm Hasse, while living in Germany.

They also surprise us by saying that Tresemme hair products are not French at all, but are made in St. Louis.  The name kind of translates to "very loved."

And... Haagen-Dazs  was created in Denmark.. right?  Wrong.. it's from the Bronx!

Now, surely, Irish Spring was started in Dublin.  Nope, you dope!  It was another German product.

Let's Vote for the Cruelest Thief

A family here in Carroll County, Maryland, suffered a great loss.  Somebody stole their chubby  bunny named Percy.   Percy was colored purple for Easter. 

The heartless thief took the bunny to Carroll County's Livestock Auction, where it was sold, probably to  another family that will use it to lie to their children about Easter Eggs.  Or.. maybe they will eat it.  Either way, the local police are trying to track down the person who purchased the bunny and get Percy back to where he belongs.

Easter Parade

Speaking of Easter, when I was president of the local AARP chapter back in 2003, we had an Easter Hat contest.  Lots of folks, female as well as male, wore hats that they designed.  (We had lots of members back then, and most of them were very creative.)  I took a lot of pictures at that function and today I put a few of them into frames to give either to the person who  is still a member, or to the spouse of a member who has died.  Back in 2003, folks still liked to have fun.. now, we don't get participation like we used to.

How Not to Succeed in Business

In today's Carroll County Times, there was an interesting article outlining interview "turnoffs" when trying to get a job.  I'll paraphrase some of those "turnoffs" are listed below:

o  Don't do all the talking.  (You can't learn what the job entails if  you keep yapping.)

o  Wear appropriate attire.  (How do you think you would do if you wore pajama bottoms to the interview?)

o  Don' t do "uptalking."  (Uptalking is the increase in pitch at the end of a sentence.  It sounds like  you are constantly asking questions, even though you are trying to make a statement.  I believe that it makes  you sound like an idiot.)

A lot of  female Californians have "uptalking" as part of their regional accent.  I find it very annoying.  One of the Great Courses has an "uptalking" professor as the lecturer.  I really tried to not let her talking get to me, but after a while I gave up.

o  Showing up late for the interview.  (Get your ass out of bed or  you'll never get a job!)

o  Talking bad about your former employers.  (That let's the interviewer know that you will probably talk bad about him as well.)

OK.. youngster, go and sin no more!


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