Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Maryland Primary; Ted and Carly; NPI; White Supremacists; Denis Hastert; New York Post; Yoenis' Lamborghini; Dwarf Moon; Pothole Birthday.

Overcast and fifty degrees.  Now, that is more like an April Spring day used to be.  But, it can't last, it'll probably be 85 degrees in a couple of days.  Tsk.


Yesterday's Maryland Primary

Wow!  Every person I voted for, got elected (picked).  That's a first for me.  At least, by changing my affiliation from Independent to Democrat, I was able to vote in Maryland's primary.  If I had switched to Republican, I probably would not have found anyone to vote for.

Ted Cruz Hutzpah!

Ted is an eternal optimist.  Besides believing that Jesus will appear again real soon, he has now got himself believing that Trump will not get enough delegates to win the Republican nomination for President, and an "open convention" will take place, at which, he will emerge victorious.  To be prepared for that, today he "tapped"  Carly Fiorina to be his running mate.   What a pair. A Presidential candidate that I hear is disliked by all of his fellow Senators, and a Vice Presidential candidate who has no governing experience and who may be responsible for almost bankrupting a company, if what I read is correct. 

I wonder who Trump will "tap" ..  Megan?  But, it really doesn't matter who the Republican candidates put up, that party is about to take a "hit" that may destroy them..  at least, that is my humble take on the situation.

Trump Supporters Go on Record

The Washington Spectator  for May 1st, 2016, has an article by Hannah Gais, who crashed an "Identity Politics" conference put on by National Policy Institute (NPI) director Richard Spencer. (The Southern Policy Law Center (SPLC) defines the NPI as a "suit and tie version of the white supremacists of old.")

I like Hannah's explanation as to why white nationalist and sympathizers from around the country gathered together.  I quote:

"It is the rise of the bombastic Republican frontrunner that brought this amalgam of aggrieved crusaders together for an evening of cocktails, appetizers, and songs of praise to the candidate who's inspired them to dip a toe into the stream of establishment politics."

Hannah says that at one point, Richard Spencer cried into the microphone, "Thank God for Donald Trump!"

One of the presenters at the conference was Paul Ramsey (Ramspaul), Alternate Right (alt-right) ambassador, who identified the "bedrock" of that movement as having three "pillars". .

1.  Sex Realism ("men and women are suited for different roles"

2. Race
      a.  Race Realism
      b.  Nationalism
      c.  Jews

3.  Natural Order ("society should resist acting against what is deemed 'natural'.

Sieg Heil!  What a sweetheart!  If Trump wins, the NPI and it's cuckoo members will probably want to serve as his advisory council. 

Hastert gets his Come-uppance.

Today, the longest serving Speaker of the House, and a confessed pedophile, Denis Hastert, was given a fifteen month sentence for money manipulation.  He was trying to get some money to shut up one of the men who, as a kid, he had messed up.  I worked at a YMCA for a number of years and I know how scary it is for young kids to be preyed upon by grown men. One of my jobs was to keep an eye on a known pedophile when he was in the locker room, and keep him away from any of the young kids.

Also, a few years ago, a child molester was involved with a local junior firemen's group. The kids were too scared to say anything.   Finally, as some of the children he had messed with got older, they got up enough courage to tell on him and he was given a long vacation in the County Jail.

News from the New York Post

I love this scandal sheet.  You can always count on it to contain weird stores.. that I find very interesting.  And, the stories are not  made up, as they are in those sheets that are on display at the checkout counter.  Here are some items that I thought were interesting today:

New York City Budget

$82 Billion!  A large chunk of that money must go for salaries of their massive police force.  I'm told (by a cop) that New York City now has a policeman standing in almost every block, and the crime rate has dropped significantly.  They are even punishing those Disney characters who try to exact vast amounts of cash from skyscraper gawkers who want to have a picture with Mickey or Minnie to show the folks at home.

Baseball Millionaire

Mets Outfielder  Yoenis Cespedes is selling his "fire breathing" Lamborghini.  He says that New York traffic is too tough for this car.  He paid $480,000 for it in 2014, and hopes to get $375,00 for it now.  He already has received an offer of $280,000.  If he gets his price, he will chip in game tickets and autographed bats and balls.  And..  don't worry about his getting around without his Lamborghini, he still has six other outrageously priced automobiles.

Oh, yeah.. "fire-breathing".. Yoenis had the exhaust system fixed up so that with a push of a button, actual flames shoot out of the rear of the car.  Of course, that restricts one on where and how to drive.

Big Hubble News

We have now found a dwarf moon orbiting the dwarf planet Makemake, at the edge of the Milky Way.

Happy Birthday You Old Pothole You!

I've talked about the people in Jackson, Mississippi a lot in my blogs.  Now, they have raised themselves in my estimation .  Confronted with a massive pothole that they have been unable for a couple of years to get the local maintenance people to fix, they decided to hold a birthday party for the pothole.  The party was featured on local TV.. the next day, the pothole was fixed.

This reminds me of former Baltimore mayor William Donald Schaeffer.  People would call him and give the location of a damaging pothole that needed to be fixed.  The mayor would then tell his maintenance folks:  "There's a pothole out there in Baltimore that needs to be filled.  Take care of it." And, he would not tell them where it was.  It was always found and was fixed, as he ordered.


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