Friday, June 3, 2016

Ducks; Birds; Ancient News; Tariff Revision; China's Rulers; the Heney Shot

Beautiful sunny morning... and just as we were going out, the sky fell... lots and lots of heavy rain.  So, we got soaked on the way to a medical appointment.. and, of course, just after we got inside of the office, the rain stopped and the sun came out again.

I'm trying to get a CD of a CT-SCAN to work on my ACER laptop.  But.. of course, there being no manual and minimal screen help, I'll be damned if I can even get the drive door to open.  There probably is an easy way, but I can't find it yet.  I may have to call for help from my computer expert son, Christopher.

When we got home, we saw Mr and Mrs Mallard Duck moon walking down our sidewalk.  Just out for a stroll?  Of course, Elaine wanted to pick them up.  I told her what happened to my son and me ... when crazed poultry attacked and chased us in Thurmont.  It didn't phase her.. but, before she could get her loving hands on these two ducks, they waddled away in the grass, where her wheelchair can't penetrate.

Later, we sat for an hour on our side porch, listening to the catbird and the mocking bird.... and trying to hear the little baby chickadees that have been receiving loving care from their mama and papa for a week or so... they live in a small hanging birdhouse on our porch.  We are a bit worried.. besides not hearing the little peeps, we haven't see the parents fly into the house today.   Maybe they are just taking a siesta. 

Ancient News

As I was going through my mass of papers, I found my copy of the Literary Digest for November 28, 1908... (almost 108 years old... just 8 years younger than the oldest lady in the world at 116. Emma Morano of Verbania, Italy has attained that distinction now that Susannah Mushatt Jones died in New York City.  She was also 116.)

Here is a little bit of the contents.

ArticleThe Consumer's Interest in Tariff Revision.  President Taft ... The Dingley Schedules... Mr. Charles Francis Adams... who says there are two types of people interested in this subject: 

The Tariff Thieves.. who have "a license to steal."

The Tariff Hogs... who want the "Schedules" upwardly revised.

Now, if you are interested in what this is all about.. don't ask me... too boring.. please look it up on Wikipedia.

Article:  China's New Rulers.   Kwang-Hsu, the puppet Emperor died in mysterious circumstances.  The Dowager Empress died the next day... in fact, she died on the 15th of the month, and merchants in the American Chinatowns received word on the 14th that she had died.  Mysterious? 

Three year old Pu Yi, son of the regent, is now the emperor.  He beat out Prince Pu Lun for the throne.

I quote:  "... the court at Peking was just like that of Catherine de Medici, only worse.  The Emperor has been caged like a chicken since the Empress Dowager deposed him.   When it became dangerous to have the old woman die, they killed the chicken."

The Dowager was born in a noble family, was sold as a slave, married the Emperor, and ruled China for fifty years.   Lots of interesting stuff here.  I'm sure it all has been made into a movie.

Article:  What was Behind the Shot at Heney?   Assistant District Attorney Francis J. Heney was shot in the head while in a crowded San Francisco court room, prosecuting Abe Ruef for graft.  The shot came from Morris Haas, an ex convict who was rejected by Heney as a juror.  Heney survived, but Haas managed to smuggle a tiny derringer into  his jail cell and committed suicide,  at least, that is what the police reported.

So .. in only a couple of pages, the world's interest was grabbed by this magazine.  More to follow.

Wow!  Lots of meat there too... surely there is a book somewhere about this case.

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