Thursday, June 2, 2016

Pea Soup; Bagel; Yiddish Words; Stereotypes; Fathers' Day; Superdad's Powers


I hope I don't offend anyone with this repeat Prepop Sez entry from 2016, six unbelievable years ago.

But first:


Let me recommend a series of photographs of the unfinished fence between the U.S. and Mexico that has devastated the Arizona and New Mexico landscape and left wide gaps that allow easy access for immigrants seeking freedom in our Country.

These photos are shown as part of the Washington Post's digital edition for today, February 21, 2022.
I hope you can somehow view the landscape views and those of the hundreds of massive steel beams lying deserted in the detritus of what was once a mountain.

Now, back to 2016:

Nice, coolish kind of day.  In the high 60's and low 70's.  Threatening to rain, but no drops yet.

I passed up Genealogy Club today so that I could get Elaine to the Doctor's office on time.  Afterwards, since we were near Pikesville, we visited the Suburban Deli for some remarkable split pea soup.  

Oy!  They give you a giant bowl.  Elaine had some nice greasy French fries with hers and I had a nice fresh bagel slathered with cottage cheese.  We both are so full we don't want any supper.

As part of their table decorations, they have a menu with Yiddish words and their comedic meanings. I'll just list a few, along with their English translation.

KREPLACH    Kosher style ravioli (Small dumplings filled with meat)

KNUBBLE       Chlorophyll's press agent  (Garlic)

CHRANE          A Jewish eye-opener (Horse-Radish)

KNADEL          Delayed atom bomb (dumpling)

I'll list some more later.  Meanwhile let me get into a touchy subject:

(Today, in 2022, we are experiencing an upsurge of antisemitism.)

(In 2016) A person wrote in to the New York Times that one of their relatives was negotiating with a Jewish friend and said, "Are you trying to Jew me down?"  The writer said that this embarrassed him very much and he wanted to know if it were appropriate to talk to his relative about how hurtful such a phrase can be, filled with stereotypical baloney.

I had this experience when I was around 13 years old.   I had been riding my cousin Charlie on the handlebars of my bicycle and we were hit by an automobile.  My cousin went flying and I fell down.  We both were shaken up, but not massively.

The young man who was driving immediately stopped and was very concerned with our condition.  We said that we did not require hospitalization and ... things were different back then... so police and medics were not called. He just took our names and got us home. 

 A couple of weeks later, he came by to see our mothers.  Even though the accident was purely my fault, he made a large cash settlement to Charlie's mother, and was prepared to do so to my mother.
When he approached my mother and told her how much he planned to give to her (a little less than he gave to Charlie's mother because he was hurt more than me) my mouth dropped open because my mother then said, "Wait, are you trying to Jew me down?"   Even at my young age, I thought that such a statement was demeaning to this man.  I had never before heard my mother say anything derogatory about anybody different from us, and it shocked and embarrassed me. 

Back to the New York Times... I believe that the reply to the writer was... how you discuss this issue is up to you, but stereotypical statements like this are hurtful and should be pointed out as such to the party involved, otherwise they get passed on.

Fathers' Day Delight  (2016)

June is the month for Fathers' Day and today I rediscovered a card that my son, Christopher made for me in 1990.  As soon as I get my scanner going again, I will show the covers of the card, which depict "Superdad".. a kind of little bit older Superman.  Inside, Chris listed the Powers of:

S  Suped-up speed, for when he must make a hasty retreat from Thom turkeys.  (We got chased by angry turkeys one time at the Thurmont, Maryland turkey farm.)

U  Ultra-hind sight, for when his boss is after his hind.

  Paranormal hearing, for spotting boisterous dogs, TVs, and dishwashers after 11:00 pm.

  Extra-sensory perception, used to pick out bad food and such without trying it.

R   Really tough digestive track, for hard to take crabs.

D   Dynamic symmetry, so his boss doesn't know if he's coming or going.

A   Accelerated drinker, for consuming mass quantities of beer.

  Dashing teeth, for dazzling wary villains.  (Do not have to be in mouth for effectiveness.)

Superdad has only two weaknesses, bad beer and mad turkeys.

Note:  Though there are many rumors, there is no factual evidence that Superdad gets his power from bad movies on at 4:30 in the AM.



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