Sunday, June 5, 2016

Superson; Hillary and Donald; Mohamed Ali; Parkinson's; Looks like Pot; Carbon Monoxide; WORDS; Doggie Wisdom

Rain, Rain, Go Away,
Come again another day.

I knew it, as soon as I watered my  plants, it would rain again.  Very strong winds.. almost like a hurricane. 

I'm still trying to get my ACER laptop to open it's cd/dvd drive.  It must be done through some APP which I can't find a record of.  I've exhausted all of my so-called computer skills on this.  Normally, drives like this have a pinhole somewhere so that you can get it open in an emergency, but not this one.  This sounds like a job for SUPERSON.


The boxing gloves are on for Hillary and Donald.  Now they are becoming very nasty to one another.  The only difference that I can see is that Trump uses lies in his loaded glove, while Clinton has hers filled with truthful digs.  Today, Senator Coker (Republican Senator.. Foreign Affairs)  gave a very weak defense of Trump.. and, surprise, surprise, so did the Newt.  Also, the Hispanics in California are getting ready to vote en-masse against Trump.  Interesting.

The Greatest

Speaking of "gloves,"  Mohamed Ali passed away this week.  That was some tough guy!  It's a shame that Parkinson's Disease struck him.  He was a marvelous role model to young African-American boys... in my opinion.

If it Quacks like a Duck...

Chuck Shepherd reminds us of a marvelous case of administrative stupidity.  Officials at Bedford Middle School in Roanoke, Virginia, heard through the school grapevine that a 6th grader had marijuana in his backpack.  When they checked, they found a "leaf."  Testing disclosed that the leaf was not marijuana, nor anything else illegal.  Undeterred, these enlightened officials suspended the boy for a whole year, because they said that under the state schools' "look-alike-drug" policy, the boy was just as guilty as though the leaf were really pot.  His parents are filing a lawsuit and I hope they get a lot of money from these Cretans.

Bad Air

The Week magazine tells us that around 430 people in the United States die each year of poisoning from the odorless, colorless gas... and yet, most States do not require carbon monoxide detectors in restaurants or malls.  Carbon monoxide can be generated even when there is not a gas appliance in a home.. so, everyone should be required to buy and install a detector... the damn things are not that expensive.... compared especially to death!

My brother in law, Leonard, was driving in heavy traffic and got stuck for a couple of hours.  He did not realize it, but Carbon Monoxide was entering his truck and his lungs while he was there.  He felt bad and went to an emergency room, where he learned that he had CM poisoning.  He almost died from it.  So, one must also be careful when driving in heavy traffic.

Words for an English Major

SERIF.. lines at the ends of a letter (SANS SERIF.. you guessed it.)

SCHWA..  unstressed vowel  (the e in vowel is a schwa)

MAJUSCULE .. uppercase letter

DECUSSATE .. intersect, form an X

LOGOGRAM...  symbol standing in for a word

ORTHOEPY..  proper pronunciation

More Doggie Wisdom from Jon Winokur

Gene Perret sez:  "I once had a dog who really believed he was man's best friend.  He kept borrowing money from me."

Frank Carson sez  "My dog is half Labrador, half pit bull.  She bites off my leg and then brings it back to me."

George Carlin sez:  "Dogs lead a nice life.  You never see a dog with a wristwatch."

Jerry Seinfeld  sez:  "A lot of people walk their dogs, and I see them walking along with their little poop bags.  This, to me, is the lowest activity in human life.  If aliens are watching this through telescopes, they're going to think the dogs are the leaders of the planet.  If you see two life forms, one of them is making a poop, the other one's carrying it for him, who would you assume is in charge?"


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