Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Tonails; Trump; New Bedford Scallops; North Carolina; Global Cooling; Bosom Buddies; Beer and Snacks; Pangrams; Palindromes

Nice day... but a few thunderstorms. 

I planted a lot of flower seeds, including sunflowers, hollyhocks, and blue morning glories.  I don't expect much.. it was a lot of old seed.  I just would like to have some little jungles of color for the birds.  I still need to separate all the small tomato plants.

Today.. Dr. Diamond cut my toenails and we kibitzed about the Donald.  How the hell did Trump get so far along?  I think it was Maureen Dowd who said that he just wanted to be in a few primaries so that he would have an influence on the Republican Party... however, when he actually won a primary or two.. his gargantuan ego kicked in and made him want to really be the President.  Possibly true.

We ate supper with our friend, Rose Marie at our dining "venue".. Hey.. I got to use that word!  Wow!  Am I getting a little snobbish?  Anyway, the ladies had fish for supper, and I had New Bedford scallops over cous cous .. with asparagus on the side.  Yummy!  And I finished the meal with a piece of chocolate peanut butter pie and a cup of decaf (of course) coffee.   Very nice.


We'll be packing for our North Carolina trip beginning tomorrow.  Can't forget to take our birth certificates if we want to use a public rest room.  Meanwhile, remember what George Carlin said:

"Why do they lock gas station bathroom?  Are they afraid someone will clean them?"

Global Cooling

Jackie Allison wrote in the June 2016 Funny Times that her family combated cool weather as follows:

o  we kids played in a special room that needed no fuel to heat.. it was called "outside"

o  we kids wore coats

o  we had trees that cooled the house in the Summer

o  we had trees that protected the house in the Winter

o   our trees had leaves that fell in Autumn and were composted

o   our compost helped us grow tomatoes in the Summer

o   we also kept warm in Winter by shoveling snow

o   we ran to the store for groceries

o   we walked to the bus stop

Make a Clean Breast of It

The Week magazine writes about a Maryland woman who likes to go "bare-breasted" whenever and wherever she can.  She has photos on her blog: "Breasts are Healthy."  She says that "Going 'bare-chested' is still a powerful act for a woman, especially when done quietly, confidently, and peacefully."

Snack Time

Chuck Shepherd writes in the Funny Times that two tractor-trailers collided in Melbourne, Florida, and their contents spilled out on the road.  Drunken observers reported that one truck was carrying Busch beer and the other Frito-Lay products.


Pangrams are sentences which use all 26 letters of the alphabet.   I published three of these back in 1983.  I haven't found any more of them since then.

o  A quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

o   Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.

o   Waltz, nymph, for quick jigs vex Bud.


Palindromes are different from pangrams.  Palindromes are sentences which say the same thing from front to back.  Also, from my publication in 1983... four examples.

o  Live not on evil.

o  Some men interpret nine memos.

o   Niagara, O roar again.

o   Was it a car or a cat I saw?

And of course, we all remember these old palindromes:

o   Able was I ere I saw Elba.  (Napoleon's lament)

o   A man, a plan, a canal, Panama. ( Teddy Roosevelt's idea)

(My brother Joe probably has lots of other examples.  He's a word expert.)

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