This is a catch-up for Sunday 6/12/16:
Horrible slaughter of innocent people in Orlando, Florida. Why? Senseless killing. Meanwhile, the world continues in its circle.
Pocket Hercules
The New York Times reports that Manohar Aich passed at age 103. Manohar was merely 4' 11" tall, yet he became Mr Universe in 1952, at age 39. His regimen was simple as was his diet. He never drank alcohol or smoked, and his diet was always rice, fish, vegetables, lentils, fruit and milk. His exercises consisted of repetitions of dand (push-ups) and bethak (squats.) He did thousands of these each day. How he got his bulk without resorting to steroids or heavy weightlifting equipment is amazing.
If Mr. Aich had lived in the United States, he probably would have grabbed a movie deal like Big Arnie or at least have gotten jobs praising rice cereal. Instead, he lived a frugal life, never earning high wages, even when he performed "muscle dancing" while traveling around India in a circus when he was in his late forties.
It was reported that Mr. Aich never worried about anything and was a very happy person. One of his sons says that the secret of his long life was his philosophy of "taking everything as it was"..
RIP MR Aich.
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