Thursday, June 9, 2016

Rollator; NARFE; Grass Mowing; Wasps; XM Radio; Hillary and Donald Debate; Schroedinger's Cat

Cool day... 60's and low 70's.. with lots of wind and sun.

I was able to get a Rollator to an AARP friend who needed one.  The poor lady also has no water today.. and her plumber says he's too busy to help her.  Neighbors and relatives are giving her water.  She still had time to bake some chocolate cookies for me.  (I ate them all!  There goes my diet for today.  Also, the chocolate caffeine added to my two cups of decaf and my 16 ounce Mocha Lite drink should make it impossible for me to sleep tonight.)

At my NARFE meeting today, I got two nice strokes.  One.. Don C. has agreed to take over the job of getting speakers for the meetings.  He did it before, and already has 9 folks signed up for next year.  I bow to his great prowess!   Two..  I got some applause for doing it now for a few years.  I will retain my other job for a while... that is, greeting people and counting them.  Hard work.. but somebody has to do it.

And.. halleluyah!  Elaine's grass cutter has finally chopped down that jungle in her yard and she will not have to pay a $200 daily fine to Baltimore County!

So.. it's been a nice day.

I put up another phony wasp's nest on the front porch.  These things are supposed to discourage wasps from hanging around.   I hope it works.  I did see a small real nest starting up under the eaves.. but now I see that it has been abandoned.  Good news.

Bad news maybe... the little birdhouse that was home to some baby chickadees looks to be empty.  I hope that the little birds got big enough to fly off on their own.. and that one of the big hawks that Elaine sees around the house did not get them.

Mr. Red-headed woodpecker was looking around for his suet today.  Rocky Raccoon had stretched high and had used his little hands to open the suet container and take out the suet to eat.  I had problems opening it.. but he apparently did not.  I filled the container with new suet and pushed it up almost to the ceiling so that Rocky won't be able to get to it.  We'll see. (There has been a lot of stories in the news lately about Rogue Raccoons like Rocky.)

XM Radio

I keep forgetting how nice XM radio is.  I just put it on and forget about the setting.  I gave up listening to the MET Opera channel a while ago because they kept repeating some Russian operas that I did not like to listen to.  I put it on the Symphony channel for quite a long time.. but I can get that kind of music on regular FM, so I have decided to try to sample some of the other channels.  Right now I have on the "40's Junction" channel... and I'm old enough to remember when some of the selections came out.  I'm afraid that "Hip Hop" and "Rap" leave me cold.  Just give me Gene Krupa, or Tommy Dorsey, or Harry James... and I'm almost as happy as when Mozart is playing.


Hillary has the Democratic nomination sewed up... and I think that Bernie has threw in the towel and will be backing her.  And of course, the Donald has enough delegates to be the Republican nominee.. and he will, of course, destroy the Republican party.  I just look forward to Hillary appointing Supreme Court Justices who will knock down some of their recent bad decisions.  However, I'm not sure how she will get Citizens United repealed.  But.. it must be repealed.. otherwise our Democracy will not be Democratic any more.  (In my humble opinion.)

I look forward to a debate between Hillary and Donald.  That should be one of the hottest shows ever on TV.  Fact checkers stand by.

Bend Your Mind

I want to type out something with the title: Visitation.  It is a little story written by Stephen Sottong.  It appeared in the MENSA Bulletin for June 2016. I hope that Stephen doesn't mind me advertising his genius work.

A swipe of claws woke the man.  He cowered, holding his bloody cheek.  A cat sat on its haunches at the end of the bed licking the blood from its paw.

"You're dead,"  the man hissed.

"Not so," the cat said.  "You made me eternally neither dead nor alive."

The man retreated further to the corner of his bed. "You're not real."

"So sure?  What about your cheek?"  The cat stretched, yawned and ambled closer to the man who attempted to merge with a bedpost.  "This conversation is not over  yet,"  the cat said and faded away.

Schroedinger screamed.


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