Note... nostalgia stuff was in yesterday's blog entry.
Today... close to 90 degrees and sunny. One of our tomato plants is trying to reach the sky. It also has three yellow flowers... maybe we'll get some early tomatoes. Simon Squirrel was observed stuffing his jowls with the birdseed that Rocky Raccoon spilled all over the porch.
June Facts from the Westminster Senior Center Calendar
o In June 1937, inventor and businessman, Sylvan Goldman introduced shopping carts, in Oklahoma City, and husbands' pocketbooks have been empty ever since. .
o In June of 1956, Gene Vincent and his Blue Caps released the song Be-Bop-A-Lula. It reached #7 on the Billboard pop music chart. (I was in Europe from 1953 to 1956, and so I missed the advent of Rock and Roll. I heard nothing about it overseas. When I got back to the U.S. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I was not happy. However, I soon got used to it.... a little.)
o In June of 1812, Napoleon's Grande Armee began its ill-fated invasion of Russia. About 80% of the 500.000 man army died during the invasion and the retreat. (That's 405,000 dead bodies, folks. Once again, man kills his own species in senseless wars.)
o In June of 1864, President Lincoln granted Yosemite Valley to California for "public use, resort, and recreation."
o In June of 1914, a Serbian nationalist assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife. This event triggered WWI (another senseless war with millions dead.)
o In June of 1942, a Japanese submarine shelled Fort Stevens on the Columbia River. Most of the shells struck a nearby baseball field. (One of my childhood friends, Robert Renn, was relocated to New Bedford from California because of the fear that more Japanese bombing was going to occur. Some hydrogen filled balloons also made it to California and that was scary too. The Government downplayed the event and the newspapers were apparently advised not to write about it, so that the populace would not get upset.)
Dirty Politics
Maureen Dowd wrote in the June 5th edition of the New York Times, that if you think that this election cycle is crazy.. it's not the first time.. for instance, she quoted Lin-Manuel Miranda of "Hamilton" fame that in the Presidential election of 1800, Thomas Jefferson accused John Adams of being a hermaphrodite and Adams responded by spreading a rumor that Jefferson had died.
Also in the same edition of the New York Times, Justin E. H. Smith talks about the assurance that Donald Trump is not Hitler. May I quote the last paragraph of his excellent article: "It's true that Donald Trump is not Hitler. But the fact that the comparison is a recognizable part of our new political landscape, and that the man at its center is not actively seeking to prove it wrong, shows how severe the current crisis is, and hints at how dark the future might get."
Voting Reasons
The following facts help me decide who to vote for in November.
The Far Right wants to:
o Curtail the rights of LGBT people.
o Reduce access to Birth Control.
o Put Creationism into science classes.
o Have churches advocate for political candidates.
o Block judicial nominees.
o Overturn the Affordable Care Act
o Disenfranchise certain voters.
OKAY... vote for me instead!
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