Elaine and I braved the bumper to bumper traffic on the Baltimore Beltway and eventually ended up at a strange location. The ladies there all wore prisoners' stripes, and the men all had shirts that had "jail officer" written on them. One of the men checked his crystal ball and told me something about what I had been dreading for weeks. In fact, I haven't been sleeping very well at all for the last week or so, and having nightmares when I did sleep.
Okay... let me translate this for you. the prisoners were nurses, and the officers were doctors at the Urology office in Baltimore County. I had a CT-SCAN recently to see if a spot on one of my kidneys had suddenly become cancerous.. as is the usual case. Doctor Lowentritt said that he was happy to tell me that the spot had not grown at all in the last year. So, at the moment, I don't have to worry about a cancer diagnosis. I just need to get another scan in September 2017 and come to visit him again on Halloween next year.
WHEW! Now I can relax for another year!
Unfortunately, we don't get Trick or Treaters in our Village. A shame. I leave our porch light on anyway, just in case. But, so far, in ten years, not one kid has shown up. I guess I'll have to eat the candy all by myself.
When I was a kid, we did not have Trick or Treat yet. But.. we had lots of Trick. On Halloween night, we would soap windows, cut clotheslines, dump garbage cans, and perform other activity that I would rather not talk about. A few years later, the greed impulse set in and Trick or Treat was born. Kids could now put aside their criminal tendencies and stoke their candy furnaces. Smart move, home owners!
When I was 8 years old or so, my Aunt Marjorie would treat all of the neighbor kids to a ghostly tour of our basement. She would have us all sit in a circle near the coal bin and pass around grapes for eyes, corn for teeth, seaweed for hair, and lots of other stuff that her creative mind would come up with. She scared the hell out of the little kids.. and probably some of the older kids as well.
She would follow it up with a costume contest. Check this picture of one of Marjorie's contests at our New Bedford home in 1943..
Here is a picture of my daughter, Elizabeth, getting ready to go Trick or Treating.
My son, Chris, usually was encased in award-winning costumes: Here is one of them:
He was a body-builder even as a young kid.
My daughter, Diane, liked the Gypsy motif:
We had a lot of fun at Halloween. Here are some of our friends who shared our fun:
Have a good and safe Halloween!