A remarkable Fall day! The wind is gusting and the sun is shining. The sound of the wind in the trees is refreshing. I sat in the sun and wind on our deck for over an hour and breathed in all that cool air. Exhilarating!
If you can get a chance to look at the Funny Times for November, 2016, do so. It's chock full of jokes, articles and cartoons pertaining to our current Presidential election. Mr. Trump appears to be "God's Gift to Cartoonists." If he gets to be President, cartoonists will be so happy. But, if he loses, as even Republic pundits seem to admit, he will sink to just another small footnote in the History books. I wonder how he will like being called a "loser." It is too bad that Joe Biden can't take him "out back of the gym" and do to him what we always had to do to bullies in the past. It's called "comeuppance."
There is also a lot of other great stuff in the November Funny Times. For instance, quotes about cows:
Ogden Nash: "The cow is of the bovine ilk;
One end is moo, the other, milk."
Dave Barry: "Scientists tell us that the fastest animal on Earth, with a top speed of 120 feet per second, is a cow that has been dropped out of a helicopter."
The Harper's Index reported in the Funny Times reveals some interesting facts (at least to me.)
A total of 23 countries offer citizenship in return for an investment commitment. (I was surprised to read somewhere this week that anyone from another country can quickly become an American citizen if they invest $500 million in our country. Is this right? Who knows if that is true?)
There are an estimated 2,400 polling places in the U.S. that are situated in Islamic community centers and mosques.
A total of 40 states allow open carry of assault rifles without a permit. (What do you think about that, Canadian citizen?)
There are 9 states in which bestiality is legal. (huh?)
Surprising situation:
The Funny Paper also had a couple of it's pages containing some scatological articles and cartoons. I was surprised by that, because I think it is unusual. They really don't have to go there. I think that it lowers their allure. ( Funny for adults shouldn't be what is funny for junior high schoolers, as Mr. Trump must be finding out. IMHO) I think they just tried it out to see if their readers object.
Elaine and I were watching Mr. Trump talk at a rally in Gettysburg, PA. After a few minutes, we had to stop because he got us so depressed. Please. The country is not in as bad a state as Donald says. Also, he has now started to bad-mouth Michelle Obama. Who will he pick on next, Mother Theresa?
Voting Information from Archie Bunker
"What's wrong with this? It looks like representative government to me. Salvatory, Feldman, O'Reilly and Nelson. You got an Eyetalian, a Jew, an Irishman and a regular American. That's what you call a balanced ticket."
Mrs. Jefferson: "Mr. Bunker, you haven't voted since 1960?"
Archie: "Well, I musta had things to do!"
Edith: "Yes. Something was always coming up. Once he had to mail a letter - and once -"
"Whoopee! Youth is voting! 'And a little child shall lead them!' Whoever said that didn't know nothin'!!"
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