Saturday, October 8, 2016

Hurricane Mathew; Hurricane Donald; Phoney Apology; Roku; Richard Lederer; Mensa; Intertel Trivia

70 degree day and overcast.  Worried about the folks in Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina who are experiencing the storm surges connected with Hurricane Mathew.  I still remember walking home with my mother from my Aunt Hattie's house during the 1938 Hurricane.  Things were flying by us and water was lapping at our heels for a long way.  We were lucky.  We made it home in one piece.  Some folks did not. Storm surges are tough!

How about Hurricane Donald?  Potty-mouth Presidential candidate.  He says that he definitely is not going to resign his candidacy, but even his best buddies are feeling bad about supporting him anymore.    Except..... Some big shot Evangelical preacher says today... "He apologized and that is good enough for me.  All of my churches will be voting for him."  Mr. Pence and his wife will also be praying for him.  For him to change?  Not a chance, Mike.

What an apology.....  he tried to turn the attention from himself to Bill Clinton.  What a scumbag!

Talk like he engaged in has not been in vogue since the 1920's.  I spent four years of my high school life in sports locker rooms, and I also worked for a long time in the locker room area of the New Bedford YMCA.  I never heard anything as gross and self-serving by anyone during that time.   Of course, there was some cursing and bantering... but nothing as juvenile as Mr. Trump's words.  I would say that there is something wrong mentally with the man.  He has apparently not yet learned how to talk like an adult.

When I was in the Air Force, we did have some guys who tried to talk like Mr. Trump.  It was so obvious that they were talking that way to make us believe they were he-men.  These guys' words were immediately seen through and these guys were given some form of come-uppance.  Short-sheeting;  forced showers; whatever.  Of course, Donald was never in the service.  I seem to recall that he did spend some time in a military school.  I guess they didn't stress honesty and responsibility, or maybe, being Donald, he didn't listen.


My son, Chris, is coming over tomorrow to fix our Roku problems.  Elaine is missing her movies on Netflix.   .

Richard Lederer

Every issue of the Mensa Bulletin has an article or puzzle by Richard Lederer.  He is very well known in Puzzledom.  Here is what Mensa says about him:

Richard Lederer is a columnist and Bard enthusiast, and "is the author of more than 50 books about language, history and humor, including his newest, 'Challenging Words for Smart People.'  Dr. Lederer has received multiple Mensa awards and is former President of San Diego Mensa.  He has been named International Punster of the Year and Toastmasters International's Golden Gavel winner.  He'll be presenting at the 2016 Annujl Gathering in San Diego, where he lives with his wife and fellow Mensan, Simone van Egerner."

Some Trivia Questions

The Intertel organization recently published some questions framed by member Bruce Holland.

Q1:   You've all heard the expression:  "From here to Timbuktu."  In what country would you find Timbuktu?

A:   Mali, West Africa.


Q2: How many stripes were on the flag that flew over Fort McHenry when Francis Scott Key wrote "The Star Spangled Banner?"

A: Fifteen. For the original thirteen states along with Kentucky and Vermont.


Q3:  On June 19, 1864, the Confederate sloop-of-war, CSS Alabama, was sunk by the Union ship, USS Kearsage.  This battle took place off the coast of what state or country?

A:  Battle of Cherbourg, France.  The Alabama was built in England and never docked at a Southern city.



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