Did I mention the 3-sided Trump sign in Westminster? It started out reading "TRUMP" Yesterday, somebody had altered it to read "RUMP" on all three sides. Today, the P was missing, so it read: RUM.
I'm very ashamed that I was not able to figure out why the ROKU was not working. I called my son, Chris, who bought some new ROKU equipment and came over with his beautiful wife to help me get things going again. But.... the only thing that turned out to be the problem, was the fact that the ROKU box had been moved by the lady who tries to dust our furniture. Somehow, the box got pushed way back and the remote couldn't find it.
It took Chris one minute to find out what the problem was. The problem really was that I was too damn dumb to figure out that the remote needed to connect with the ROKU box. My poor son was put into the terrible position of finding a logical solution to a problem that should not have been a problem. I profusely apologize to my son!.
However, it was very pleasant to have Chris and Kathleen visit with us. Lots of laughing going on.
Elaine and I both spent some time at the Westminster Radiology Lab. She got good results. I won't know about mine for a few days. I had a CT Scan. Last year I had one, which lasted for an hour and was very uncomfortable. This year, the whole thing was over in about ten minutes, and was kind of fun, because I was able to kibbitz with the technician. My problem now will be with the urologist. Will I need cancer treatment? Hope not.
History Lesson
I have a copy of the Baltimore News-Post dated Monday Evening, January 9, 1939. I thought that it might be fun to see what the headlines were for those pre-WWII days:
Dr. Alan Woods' Home Robbed Of $2,000 Gems.
(Director of the Wilmer Institute lives in Guilford.)
Mrs. Nellie Castelberg Dies In Fall From 6-story Window In New York.
(Widow of Jewelry Company founder.)
LaGuardia Urges WPA Fund Boost.
(He calls Roosevelt request 40 million too low.)
Girl Hurt In 3-story Plunge.
(300 block of south Exeter Street)
Nazi Chief Warns On Cabaret Jokes.
(Julius Streicher said that he would "knock down" any cabaret artist who made jokes about the Nazi party or officials and would close the cabarets concerned.)
Auto Plant Closes, 7,400 Men Are Idle
(Chrysler in Detroit)
New Atom-Smasher Invented At Cornell
(A laboratory "Howitzer" designed to disintegrate atoms.)
Kills Woman Because She Laughed At Him
(35 year old hairdresser fired two bullets through the head of a 28 year old divorcee who had laughed at him.)
Urge Christians To Boycott Nazis
(The Volunteer Christian Committee to Boycott Nazi Germany wants Christians in the U.S. to boycott Germany)
(An 85 year old man came to a Cockeysville church today to meet his 23 year old bride-to-be, but she didn't show up, even after he bought her an expensive diamond wedding ring.)
Incidentally, the proofreader messed up on this one. "Cockeysville" was printed as "Cookeysville",and "wooed and almost won" turned out to read "wooed and almost fon."
Food Prices
You might be surprised at the food prices in 1939.(At the A & P)
Eggs: 2 dozen for 47 cents.
Juicy Florida oranges: 20 for 25 cents.
Iceberg lettuce: 2 heads for 11 cents.
Ground beef: 2 pounds for 29 cents.
Pure lard one pound for 9 cents.
Pink salmon: 2 tall cans for 19 cents
Herring roe: 17 ounce can for 14 cents.
Center cut pork chops: one pound for 22 cents.
(No bananas... too cold back then to get them to ripen??)
Of course, wages were a lot less back then.
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