Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Hairdressers; Vice Presidential Debates; Mr. Trump; Joe Vaughan Fan Club; Do Not Call List; Michael Phelps; French Poetry

Nice partly sunny 70 degree day!

Elaine and I went to the "hairdresser's"... yes, I know... I gave up going to barber shops. For a couple of reasons.. one was that I never got a decent haircut.  Another reason was that it always smelled of stale cigarette smoke.  (I was a smoker for almost 30 years, but I have been an ardent opponent of cigarette and cigar smoke since I was 40 years old... and my clear lungs attest to it.) 

The only barber I ever liked going to was Tony in Randallstown.  That's because at the time I thought that I was half-Italian, and I told that to Tony.  Right away he said: "Wait a minute!" and he went into the back and brought out a big bottle of Italian wine to share with me.  Very nice!  I stuck with Tony until we moved to Carroll County.

Today, Elaine and I made a mistake and asked if anybody at the hairdresser's was going to watch the Vice President debates tonight.  There did not seem to be much interest in that... however, we were made aware that almost everyone there disliked Hillary and would be supporting Donald Trump.  Of course, that is to be expected in the Republican bastion called Westminster, Maryland.

I love my neighbors here in Westminster.  They are all very nice people.  I just wished that they could see, as I can, that Mr. Trump is a con man.  This is so clear to me.... am I looking at the election from the wrong perspective?  I don't think so.   Both Mark Twain and H.L. Mencken felt that the Middle Class (Booboisee?) are not too smart when it comes to politics.  I think they were right... after all, W. was elected President .. for 8 years!  Please...please... please... think.. think... think... when  you get into the voting booth.  Isn't  nuclear devastation because of a "snit" something to think about?  Isn't the rise of  Hitler and Naziism something to think about?  Isn't the possible death of democracy by a Napoleon type something to think about?

After our "hairdresser" session, both Elaine and I looked like movie stars, so we decided to visit our "public" at WalMart.  Always ready with "Joe Vaughan Fan Club" pens, we did meet three candidates:

Adam:  A nice guy who used to work for the food service at Carroll Lutheran Village.  He recognized us from far away.. and even remembered our names.  He says that he is enjoying his work at WalMart. (I forgot to give him a pen.)

JoAnn:  A fellow highschooler of Elaines, who just happens to also be a Carroll County hairdresser. She and her husband post  quite often to Facebook.  (I forgot to give them a pen.)

Claudia: A lady who was a member of the Carroll County Toastmasters when I was.  And.. a very nice person.  (I did remember to give her a pen.

Do Not Call List Folks Mean Business

Chuck Shepherd wrote in the September 2016 Funny Times about a jury in Utah that found that three companies had illegally made 99 million phone calls to consumers on the Do Not Call Registry plus another 18 million calls with phony surveys. If fines are imposed, they could add up to a trillion dollars. 

Michael Phelps

Olympian hero, Michael, earns part of his income from his swimming medals. (Winners get $25,000 for gold; $15,000 for silver, and $10,000 for bronze.)  However, that is probably a very small amount of money compared to his income from testimonials and TV appearances.  "Local boy makes good!"

French Poetry

Paul Verlaine dit: "Il pleure dans mon Coeur
Comme il pleut sur la ville.

?dit:   "La vie est une bobine qui se deroule,
petit a petit;
la mort nous attend
au bout du fil.

On that sad note, I bid you "adieu."


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