Thursday, October 20, 2016

After the Third 2016 Presidential Debate

Another beautiful very warm Fall day. I think some high temperature records were broken.

After the Third Debate

Mr. Trump believes that he won the debate.. as we expected him to believe.  He was doing fairly well until he got tired and started laying out his old crap... and some new crap.

For the Latinos:  "those bad hombres"

For the women:  "she's a nasty woman"

For the Patriotic: He said  that he might not recognize Hillary as President if she won.  Today, at a rally in Ohio, he said further that he would however definitely recognize whoever wins the election... as long as it was him. 

A lot of people, including me, consider his talk in-American, if not treasonous.

For a good rebuttal to all that Trump said, I refer  you to the speech given by President Obama in Miami today.

Trump says that Clinton had access to the questions for the debate, and that is why she answered them so well.  Wait a minute... didn't the moderator, Chris Wallace, have control of the questions, and isn't he the Sunday anchor of Fox News?  Mr. Trump should not alienate the only news outlet that still supports him.

Trump says that there is voter fraud... an independent study reported only 31 cases of voter fraud in one billion ballots.

Trump says that all of the women complaining about him are all lying.  Sorry, Donald, that didn't work for Doctor Huxtable, and people liked him a lot more that they like you.

Napoleon crowned himself once, and I was reminded of that when I read a piece by Patricia J. Williams in the Nation Magazine for October 24, 2016:  I quote:

"Trump's scattershot broadsides- against women, men, cheaters, haters, Mexicans, Muslims, and crying babies- are crosshatched in ways that make pushback a challenge for many traditional pundits and advocacy groups.  Trump possesses a singular ability to mix the poisonous waters of the culture wars into colorful new hybrids of exotic demonization.  His words rain down like cluster bombs, exploding in so many pieces and directions that one scarcely knows how to assess the damage.   His concept of civic worth is so exclusive that he enfranchises, privileges and anoints no one but himself. 'I alone,' he declared during the Republican National Convention, speaking as though he were an emperor."

Calvin Trilling had a poem about the debates.. also in the Nation Magazine for October 24, 2016.

"A blowhard's ID is revealed by one sign:
How quickly the boasting turns into a whine."

President Obama said the truth when he referred to Trump as a whiner.  God help us if he becomes President.  (Of course, this is Only My Humble Opinion.)


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