Another hot day... Elaine had her teeth cleaned today and afterwards we spent a couple of hours in our 84 degree swimming pool at the village. Lots of our fellow residents do not avail themselves of the pool because of the cold temperature. A shame.
Alt Right!
Alternative. Conservatives... (alt right) that's all one hears about now... never heard of them before last week. On today's Diane Rheem Show, the head of these guys called in and Diane asked him some probing questions that exposed him as the ultra bigot that he is.
The movement is concerned that the white folks in the United States are becoming a minority and that immigration should immediately be stopped, because our land was formed as a "white" enclave.. and we need to remain so. Segregation is OK, so they say, because all races want to stay with their own. Now, the alt right movement has moved into Trump's camp. I'm surprised that it took so long to happen.
At another segment of the Diane Rheem show, Diane interviewed Mr. Trudeau, the creator of Doonesbury. He has taken all of the cartoon strips he has created since the 1980's, in which one of the main characters is Donald Trump and published them in a book with the Trump-like title: Yuge!. I immediately ordered the book on Kindle and am enjoying it.
Phone Fun
Evelyn Wilkins wrote in the Readers Digest; "The phone rang. I answered with the name of our company, only to be told by the caller that he had the wrong number. A minute later, he called again, this time sounding agitated. By the third time, he'd lost it. "Quit answering the phone!" he yelled. "I'm trying to call Austin High School!"
Old Old Old Joke
Man: (to woman on train) "That's the ugliest baby I have ever seen."
Woman: "Conductor! Conductor! This man has just insulted us!"
Conductor: "Now, madam, calm down. I'll get a drink of water for you and a banana for your monkey."
Brady's First Law of Problem Solving:
When confronted by a difficult problem, you can solve it more easily by reducing it to the question, "How would the Lone Ranger have handled this?" sez Karyn Brady
Once, at work in the 1960's, I attacked something called the O + M Test (Organization and Management)... the test was given to help select folks for the new position of Computer Programmer/Analyst. I found the test very easy and "aced" it... because, for each question, I asked myself, "What would President Johnson do to resolve this?"
Murray's Rule
Any country with "democratic" in the title, isn't. Jim Murray
Note from Theresa Williams
"I love ewe," he said sheepishly.
What happened?
Back in 2013, Dubai attempted to induce its chubby citizens to lose weight by offering them a gram of gold for every kilogram (2.2 pounds) they shed.
Stomach Turning Art
Patrons of the Night Light Lounge in Portland Oregon, demanded that a painting of Adolf Hitler wearing a Dondald trump campaign hat be removed. The said that it spoiled their appetites.
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