Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Intertel; Integra; IQ; Sijo Poetry; Haiku; Pooler, Georgia; Ilians; Huxley; Channing; Hayes

Hot.... lots going on today,  and I need to hurry up with this entry because it is National Night Out... the time when the Police interact positively with the citizenry.


Intertel is not a secret police organization... it is an international group of people who have scored at the 99th percentile in certain IQ tests.  I belong to it.. probably because I am good at taking tests.

The stated objectives of Intertel are

1.  To encourage meaningful intellectual fellowship.

2.  To foster an exchange of ideas on any and all subjects.

3.  To assist in research relating to high intelligence.

Intertel publishes a monthly magazine called Integra, the Journal of Intertel.  Some issues contain stimulating, interesting material.  Some issues contain the rants of those members who obviously cheated when they took their IQ test.

Here is an example of content from the April 2016 issue.

Sijo Poetry

Sijo poets used symbolism in their poems.  They drew on Chinese tradition, using trees, flowers and birds.  For instance, the cuckoo is a symbol for unhappy love and the magpie is a symbol for good news.

Yun Sondo (1587-1671) considered the greatest writer of sijo, composed the following:

You ask how many friends I have?
Water and stone, bamboo and pine.
The moon rising over the eastern hill
is a joyful comrade.
Besides these five companions,
what other pleasure should I ask?

And then, there is Haiku

These were written by Steven B. Perlmutter.  I don't think he would mind me sharing them with  you. They are very topical.

No vaccinations
Kids with measles everywhere
Two thousand sixteen?

Confederate flag
A symbol whose time has come
To put it aside

Professional sports
Opioid of the masses
Read a book instead

Justices for life
Nine supremely out of touch
Court ready for change

Good Samaritan in  Georgia.

Ken Berta wrote about an experience he had in Pooler, Georgia, of all places.  Some day, when we are having a beer together, ask me about Ken's story.  It's a good one.

Pertinent Quotes

Brad Southcott listed some quotes that are very meaningful to Ilians (that's what members of Intertel are called.)

Aldous Huxley:  "Every man who knows how to read has it in his power to magnify himself, to multiply the ways in which he exists, to make his life full, significant and interesting."

William Ellery Channing:  "It is chiefly through books that we enjoy the intercourse with superior minds."

Helen Hayes:  "When books are opened, you discover you have wings."


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